Bohol Tribune

Understanding Gallstones


When digestive fluids harden, gallstones form.
Gallstones form inside your gallbladder. The gallbladder is a small, pear-shaped, organ.
It is located at the right side of one’s abdomen just below the liver.
 The gallbladder holds digestive fluids, which is called bile. Bile is usually released into
your small intestine.
The size of the gallstones may range from as small as a grain of sand to as large as golf
ball. There are some people who develop one gallstone, as others may develop several
 People who experience gallstone symptoms may require removal of the gallbladder.
Gallstones causing symptoms generally don’t require surgery or don’t require treatment.
 Generally, gallstones may not cause symptoms. In cases where the gallstone lodges in
a duct and cause a blockage , the symptoms may include sudden and sharp pain in the
center of the abdomen, back pain between the shoulder blade, pain in the right
shoulder, nausea, or vomiting, and gallstone pain that may last for a few minutes to
several hours.

 See a doctor if one experiences symptoms that becomes a reason for worry. Seek
emergency medical help when the signs and symptoms may lead to gallstone
complications such as extreme pain that makes it difficult to sit still or find a comfortable
Jaundice may also happen and there are some gallstone sufferers may have fever.
 It is not clear why gallstones form. However, high cholesterol may lead to gallstones
according to medical experts. The bile can normally dissolve the cholesterol, but if the
cholesterol is not dissolved it may crystallize into stones.
Gallstones may appear if the bile has too much billrubin. Billrubin is a chemical that is
produced when the body breaks down the red blood cells.
 There are several reasons why the liver produces too much billrubin and it may include
liver cirrhosis, billary tract infections, and certain blood disorders. Too much billrubin
may contribute to the formation of gallstones.
 If the gallbladder doesn’t empty correctly or completely the fluids may cause the
formation of gallstones.
 Types of gallstones may include cholesterol gallstones, and pigment gallstones.
 Risk factors of gallstone formation may include being female, aged 40 years old or
over, being overweight, obese, being pregnant, lack of exercise, eating foods with high
cholesterol, eating a low-fiber diet, family history of gallstones, having diabetes, blood
diseases, using certain drugs, and liver disease.
 To avoid gallstones, proper diet and exercise are keys in dodging the disease.
 It is recommended that people at risk should lose weight and engage in an active
lifestyle. Rapid loss of weight may increase the risk of gallstone formation. Make sure to
lose anywhere from half a kilogram to one kilogram per week.
 It is helpful to control the blood sugar especially if you are a diabetic.
 Having a healthy lifestyle will lower the risk of having gallstones in the future.

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