By Argosy Nazareno
As the basic unit in the society, we Filipinos value our family more than anything. Same goes to our workplace, we consider our colleagues as Family. But do we really consider each one as a family member?
During Family Day,employees take a relaxing day off from work for it is meant to be a golden opportunity to spend quality time with theirco-workersand strengthen the bonds they share with one another.Given theprolific and diverse personalities within an office, Local Government Units comprises of different departments and offices. It cannot be denied that some employees have trouble getting along other workers in other departments given the busy workload and simple gestures that leads to misunderstandings. Nevertheless, these frictions could easily be managed when all employees are given time to know each other.
We areaware on the various issues we are facing in our respective LGUs thus specific programs concerning strengthening ofrelationshipsin the workplace should be accomplished.LGUs should promote collaboration among national and local non-governmental organizations in support of multi-sectoral activities concerning human resource development.
If we value our family, we should not do things that would destroy it. In a Family, all the members protect each other no matter what. This should be the case inan LGU, healthy relationships should be preserved and members should protect each other. If one has trouble with the other, a healthy confrontation would be nice before resorting to backbiting and slander. Before entering and deciding to work in the government, one should ask these questions: Are you ready to spend the rest of your life with the workers in that office? Will you sacrifice much of your personal goals just to provide adequate and sufficient service to the people?
We are professionals, we are appointed not because of merit or qualifications but also for our diligence to serve. We cannot provide quality service when we dislike our co-workers. Services rendered are done by teamwork and inter-office communication is essential to achieve smooth flow of transactions. Any impediment leads to poor service and eventually affect the whole operation of the LGU. Personal grudges should not affect your work. Setting aside ill feelings towards your workmates is the best option to provide quality service. Therefore, time should be allotted to settle those disputes through conversations.
In order to reform our workplace and avoid the current issues that affect LGU families, we should infuse in our employees the basic Filipino values, which are slowly disappearing and haven’t been practiced. Employees should greet each other and show appreciation when work is done. This is a sign of showing deep respect. Values starts in the office and it is the Office Head’s job to teach their subordinates the value of respect. The Heads of offices should be the role model. How can we train an employee if we are not living up to our own teachings? How can they believe what we are saying if we are not acting what we preach?
Let us continue to pour all our time and effort in preserving and protecting our respective LGU families that we consider as our second Family. Remember, you are still Family even after you retire.