Bohol Tribune

Guv releases memo re protocols in receiving OFWs/ ROF/LSIs

Gov. Arthur Yap has just released a memorandum that sets the protocols for receiving locally stranded individuals (LSIs), returning overseas Filipinos (ROF) and overseas Filipino workers (OFWs).

In a memorandum dated June 2, 2020, the governor laid out the protocols that will govern how the province and the local government units (LGUs) will receive the LSIs, ROF and OFWs.

The memorandum is in response to another memorandum from the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG).

The DILG memorandum number 2020-087 dated May 21, 2020 issued by Interior and Local Government USec, Epimaco Densing II says that LGUs “Shall not deny the entry of LSIs with complete requirements, provided that prior coordination was made through the national task force (NTF) and/or the Regional Task Force (RTF) and other concerned agencies as deemed necessary.”

In his memorandum, Yap said, “That all mayors shall ensure observance of the letters and spirit of the DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2020 – 087 dated May 21, 2020, which enjoins all concerned to undertake necessary actions in the management of ROF and LSIs.”

Moreover, it was mentioned in Yap’s memorandum, “That the receiving LGUs, however may subject the LSI to local health protocols and procedures, such as the 14-day quarantine and rapid antibody testing for Covid -19 diseases that are consistent with IATF (Inter Agency Task Force) policies.

Furthermore, the 14-day quarantine may be enforced through the following options:

a.) “Hotel quarantine in designated hotel facilities at the expense of the ROF or LSI and subject to the protocols of the Bohol Inter Agency Task Force (B-IATF). Provided, however, that, the expense for the ROF under the existing arrangement shall remain until June 15, 2020 after which it shall be to the ROF’s personal account.”

b.) “LGU-supervised quarantine facility at the expense of the LGU and subject to LGU quarantine protocols.”

c.) “Home quarantine may be an option subject to the sound judgment and decision of the mayor pursuant to LGU quarantine protocol, provided that the subject house shall be totally locked down together with the family members and persons residing therein for the duration of the 14-day quarantine. The subject house shall be under BHERT (Barangay Health Emergency Response Team) close monitoring and nobody is allowed entry and exit therefrom until the completion of the 14 – day quarantine.”

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