Bohol Tribune

Cultural Heritage

By Telly G. Ocampo

They make my day

Amidst this pandemic, I shun negative people and, of course, their negative people.  I see to it that I start my day with a note of joy in order to have a sleep in the night. I’m just happy that my editor is giving me a page in her Trending’s “Mother & Sons” where I could find expressions on my thoughts and advocacy with bahandi, the Baclayon ancestral homes for new development initiatives.  Though the organization seems to hybernate, I believe that it’s only the body that is weak but never our minds

There’s never a day that my nephew, Andy Jayag Oppus Uy, would miss sending me through text, his beautiful thoughts for the day.  Today this is what he sent me: Let’s make our lives like homes where people can live in, with doors that open to receive friends;  spaces that can accommodate lots of good things;  surrounded by a garden planted with compassion and love; watered with hope to bloom and bear fruits; harvests of which are shared with those in need. May our lord bring joy and bring us close to him on this amazing Tuesday morning.

My editor changed my schedule for submission of my article from Thursday to Monday morning.  I’m making tawad for Tuesday if it’s ok.  Monday is a busy day for the household concerns.  We are grateful that there’s one to depend on the preparation of our meals and the cleaning of the house while we are on Covid “lockdown” as senior citizens. Our kinakusgan help has reached retirement age and has found a new financial freedom.

Every day, my day starts at 8 in the morning with Cito Beltran over the one news channel.  This is from 8 to 9:30am. Cito is a perfect gentleman and TV host.  He lives with his Christian faith inside out. He is the son of the late Louie Beltran of the Phil. Star who was also one of my favorite columnists in the pre and post Edsa days.

Foremost among his guests for the last two weeks were the following:  our very own governor Arrthur Yap, congressman Rufus Rodriguez, mayors Alfred Romualdez of Tacloban and Richard Gomez of Ormoc.

Governor Arthur Yap. He is our current governor of Bohol. Since the pandemic, Arthur yap has not visited his wife and children in Manila.  A month after assuming office as governor, he was able to reduce power rates  that not one of our Boheco directors questioned and made representations on the consumers behalf with the energy regulatory commission.  I have tried to direct the different charges and systems loss in our Boheco bill. I remember long time ago in Leyte when frequent brownouts were recurring and power rate was so high, and when we were near the source which is Tongonan.  Systems loss was very high at 22% when industry’s tolerable loss was at 12%.  Arthur yap has become my idol with his thorough understanding of issues and hands hands on approach to problems.  Not delegated!  He is young and yet he knows the meaning of sacrifice. He is turning Bohol with all his kakayahan: from tourism based economy to agriculture based economy, with the goal of making parallel, the industries in tourism and agriculture.  He is visiting towns, encouraging people to upgrade water system to make agriculture sustainable.

Governor Arthur C. Yap

Andy Oppus Uy
Cito Beltran
Mayor Richard Gomez

Rufus Rodriguez. He is from Misamis Oriental. I’m interested in the man because he comes from Gingoog and we (my family and I) were, at one moment in our life, residents of medina.  I taught at Christ the King College before and I know his relatives who were colleagues of mine.  One thing that struck me about him is his eloquence and mastery of issues and subject matter at hand.  Mao gyud diay.  He was interviewed in his own home at his library.  Like Cito Beltran, books are things they cannot do without.  Interesting people are truly wide readers.

Mayors Alfred Romualdez and Richard Gomez.  I was surprised with Mayor Alfred.  His two older brothers were my students at U.P. Tacloban.  I can say that sir Beho’s children are really gentle.  Wala gyud na cla magpasigasiga during the heydays of Behos and Cocoy Romualdez.  Mo pasar gyud na cla sa good manners and right conduct.  I must know this because I was a member of the board of their island development bank. I am grateful nominee of the brother Nikki (Nicanor Sison Romualdez.  Daku ug influence ang mother in nurturing the children. I just hope, Kristina “Kringring” Gonzales Romualdez), the wife of Mayor Alfred of Tacloban.  Mayor Alfred was very practical in his approach to the “quarantine” matter.  He did not invest in beds, linens and all.  He just asked for 50% discount on hotels for accommodating the slips and frontliners. Isn’t it that the regional hospital was closed since 20% of hospital employees, from doctors down to ambulance driver, were infected?

Richard Gomez of Ormoc did the same thing.  He had unoccupied units in government housing in Ormoc which is not yet turned over by the contractor to the government.

These two young mayors have minds of their own like their counterparts in Metro Manila:  Isko Moreno and the Veco Sotto.

I am looking forward to seeing more in the persons of Edcel Lagman, Zarate and Atienza. These are congressmen and gentlemen.

Please Lord, not Markoleta, Branzaga and Garin of this world.

Andy Oppus Uy.  He is the eldest son of the late Judge Tony Uy and educator Deny Jayag Oppus Uy.  He is one nephew of mine who lists down death anniversaries of our extended families.  It’s very heart warming to know that he sees to it that masses are offered for the death anniversaries of our dearly beloved.

I have just identified some of my “ideal personalities” during these covid times. I know that many are more are coming. Just please watch my list. .

Mayor Isko Moreno
Mayor Alfred Romualdez
Congressman Rufus Rodriguez
Mayor Veco Sotto

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