Bohol police provincial director Col. Joselito Clarito orders a heightened vigilance in all police stations in the province following the Jolo blast.

Clarito revealed the information in a radio interview on Open Forum, Tuesday, August 25, 2020.

He gave orders to all police chiefs in the province to be more vigilant and to respond to potential terror threats.

The entire country is still reeling from the Jolo blasts, which killed at least 14 people. The bomb blast happened on Monday, August 24, 2020.

Even if Bohol is far from Jolo, the province is no stranger to terror threats.

Back in April 2017, a group of terrorists invaded Bohol in an attempt to cause terroristic activities. The members of the terror group known as the Abu Sayyaf intruded into the province during a time that Bohol was hosting some of the meetings that were part of the country’s activity involving the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit.