Balilihan mayor Pureza Chatto says that in response to the Executive Order on COVID prevention inside the public market, the local government unit (as shown in the photo) has installed plastic barriers on all tables in the market section for fruits and vegetables. To address vendors’ complaint that the plastic barriers make their areas warm, 11 electric ceiling fans are provided, too, and these funds are taken from the personal money of the mayor. .
Mayor Pureza Chatto reports about the recently-finished concrete and iron fence placed at the back of the public market – a project locally funded by the LGU. Chatto further said that the people can utilize the space outside the fence as parking area for small/light vehicles.
The automatic hand sanitizing machine (as shown in the photo) aims to help fight Covid 19. The machine is donated by the first family of the town: Cong. Edgar Chatto, Mayor Pureza Chatto and their daughter Atty. Trisha Veloso Chatto.
Initial delivery of equipment from the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) shows the computer kiosks for the town’s program for Balilihan schools – under the Science and Technology Academic and Research Based Openly Operated Kiosks, or STARBOOKS project. STARBOOKS is a “library in a box”.
The photo shows the Balilihan Infirmary Phase I is located the ground floor. Phase II (still awaiting downloading of funds) is located at the the second floor with male and female wards.
Johnlery Meatshop opens and is now ready to serve people in Barangay Del Carmen Sur, Balilihan.
Mayor Pureza Chatto visits the Municipal Engineering Office of the town to get updates on locally-funded infrastructure projects.