Praying for Solomon’s wisdom for our congressmen
As of this writing, I’m waiting for the change of the black box on Cignal. Yesterday was a trying day.
Our new technology today, which is faceless, is a stressor. Presenting of complaints (which could be done by the click of the finger) would not be applicable to people who have zero knowledge for computers. Yes, the generation gap today is very wide.
And until now, I’m still not convinced on the insistence of DepEd to implement online learning, modules and so forth and so on – whatever.
Why is it that teachers in the educational system now, mostly in public schools, would not express their difficulty in executing the modules in the light of the situation on the part of the students, parents, facilities, and financial capacity of students and teachers?
As I initially said, finally I have now a black box that already includes the KAPAMILYA NETWORK. Thanks to Cignal. This was just installed one morning this week – just in time to see the proceedings in Congress. I thought it would be a lockdown. At the very least, Allan Peter Cayetano tendered an irrevocable resignation with Lord Allan extending the healing hand. Ay salamat wa na magshowing the Marcoletas and the Barzagas in Congress. We seem to have the gentlemen politician of yesteryears.
We are still in this pandemic. May I share with you this prayer for the Holy Face of Jesus?
“Dear Jesus, thank you for the gift of
life, and for the blessings to be among
those who know you are the son of God.”
Thank you for the gift of sight that allows
me to see the wondrous things you made and for my soul to help me see beyond my sight.
Thank you for all the things and especially my heart in which you placed the magnetic seeds of grace that draw me forever to your love.
I know you hold me in the palm of your hand and shield me with your holy face yet, as the years go by lord, I fear the yoke of sickness and pain, and worry how my life will end.
And so, I ask you lord that when my time comes to leave here below, do not call me by a sudden death nor by an accident, that tears the body apart.
Not by an illness that leaves the mind confused, or the senses impaired. Not by a malady that wears out the soul or at the mercy of evil forces.
Not with a heart filled with hate or a body racked with pain. Not abandoned, lonely without love or care. Not by my own hands in a moment of despair.
Jesus, let death comes as a gentle friend, to sit and linger with me until you call my name.
Then let me enter your heavenly home to receive your final gift of grace, and look upon the Divine Countenance of your Holy Face. Amen
As I wrote written before, Sr. Rosalinda Ongcoy gifted me with a prayer companion straight from the heart when I paid her a visit in 2014 after Yolanda – two days before the Sto. Niño fiesta.
Though Lord Allan Velasco has gotten the speakership and has extended the healing hand, he still has to seek the wisdom of King Solomon in the course of action that he has to take to heal the land.