for October 25, 2020 (30th SUN in OT – A):
Kindly open your Bible and Read Mt. 22:34-40
Points for Reflection: I am sharing to my dear readers a story which has been a part of my collections to help you reflect as the Universal Church celebrates the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Times – A .
The Broadway musical Fiddler on the Roof centers around Tevye, the father of a poor Jewish family in Russia. Tevye and his wife, Golde, have five daughters.
Their eldest daughter falls in love with a young tailor. This pains Tevye and Golde, because Jewish tradition specified that all Jewish marriages should be arranged by a matchmaker. But after a struggle with their consciences, Tevye and Golde allow their daughter to marry the tailor.
Next, their second daughter, Hodel, falls in love with a young man named Perchik. The situation is complicated because Perchik has abandoned his Jewish faith. After a struggle with his conscience, Tevye accepts the situation. But Golde cannot accept it.
To try to help her see her way clear to do so, Tevye says to his wife, “Perchik’s a good man, Golde. He is a little crazy, but I like him. And what is more, Hodel likes him. She loves him.” (paraphrased)
Then, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, Tevye says to his wife, “Golde, do you love me?”
Golde says, “Do I love you? For all these years, I’ve cleaned your house, cooked your meals, and washed your clothes. Do I love you?” But Golde’s response doesn’t satisfy Tevye.
Again, he asks her, “But, Golde, do you love me?” Again, Golde replies,
“Do I love you? For all these years, I’ve walked with you, talked with you, starved with you, slept with you. Do I love you? If that’s not love, what it is?” (paraphrased) (Mark Link)