One door closes, another opens
SUCH is life as we go through different circumstances and situations, the twists and turns in life. And now that we are in this pandemic mode, we are talking about a new or next normal where many of the usual things we used to have and do, have changed or are not available anymore.
But let’s never forget that it is quite impossible that we would find ourselves in some dead-end. A door may close, but to be sure, another one would actually open for us. If we believe in a provident God, we would know that such is the case.
The challenge is for us to discover that new door. It actually would not be totally new, since what may appear to be new would share many things in common with the old one. So we should just learn how to transition to the new things as smoothly as possible, adapting ourselves to the new circumstances. To be sure, along the way we would be learning many great lessons, fueling our personal and social growth further.
I know of many people who are not only surviving in these challenging times but are rather prospering as they discover new opportunities in doing business and making money, and more importantly, in developing themselves as a person, as a husband or wife, as a parent, etc.
A friend-priest told me that he managed to finally write a book he had been wanting to write but could not due to his busy schedule. The lockdown made it possible. Another friend started a work-at-home business selling and delivering all sort of items.
We should not be unduly worried by this turn of events. As long as we have a faith-based sporting, adventurous and enterprising spirit as well as the mentality of a discoverer or inventor, we can manage. We can convert what may appear as things-turning-for-the worse scenario into things-turning-for-the-better.
Fears, worries and other negative things may try to assault us, but let’s never allow ourselves to be dominated by them. So we should just properly condition ourselves spiritually and morally, psychologically and emotionally, as well as physically. Again, to be sure, with strong faith and trust in God, we know that we
have enough resources to attain this proper conditioning.
We may have to force ourselves to smile and to be positive in outlook, encouraging in our words and ways even if things may look dark and gloomy. And that would not be hypocrisy or self-deception, but rather a concrete expression of faith. Whatever the situation and circumstances, it is faith that would get us through.
Remember St. John saying: “For whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that overcomes the world, our faith…” (1 Jn 5,4) And Christ himself said it very clearly: “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (Jn 16,33)
We should know where to ultimately find our strength, our hope, our optimism during problematic times. We should not allow ourselves to be guided solely by our human estimations alone. Faith in God, in his powerful, ever creative providence, is the key. That’s the secret.
Even if we are imprisoned physically, our faith-driven spirit can go anywhere. It cannot be trapped by worldly limitations.