Precocious Puberty
This condition refers to the appearance of secondary sex characteristics below the age of 8. The cause may be known as idiopathic. Brain tumors in the area around the hypothalamus and the pineal gland may give rise to either sexual precocity or infantilism. This may be associated with hypothalamic signs and symptoms such as polydipsia, polyuria and obesity.
Other causes may include encephalitis,meningitis from different causes and tuberculosis of the brain . This could be because of hypothalamic involvement.
If precocious puberty occurs in boys, interstitial cell tumors of the testes must be evaluated. Palpation alone may reveal a tumor on one side and a small testis on the other side.
McCune-Albright syndrome consists of sexual precocity, skin pigmentation and fibrous dysplasia of bones without any associated abnormality in calcium and phosphorous metabolism. This syndrome is seen almost exclusively in girls.
Children who manifest precocious puberty should be referred to a pediatric endocrinologist for proper evaluation and management. They are usually treated according to the etiology; and, clinician should not forget the psychologic management too.