By: FR. Jose “Joesum” Sumampong, Jr.
January 10, 2021
Theme: And Ours…: Mission Accepted
Today, on the feast of the Lord’s baptism, Jesus, though he was without sin, made himself one with sinners, with outcasts, with the poor in any way, to bring them God’s forgiveness and life. He accepted that difficult mission. At our baptism we have become one with him. Do we too, like him, accept our mission to be good servants of God and people, even when this is a difficult task? After all, we are Jesus’ disciples.
First Reading (Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7): Here Is My Beloved Servant;
My Spirit Rests On Him
The prophet announces that God’s Spirit will guide his faithful servant to bring justice and compassionate, respectful love to the world. This prophecy is fulfilled in Jesus. His mission is also ours.
Second Reading (Acts 10:34-38): The Good News Is For All
Peter tells us that the Spirit of God rested on the Lord Jesus, and that his good news is destined for all.
Gospel (Matthew 3:13-17): This Is My Beloved Son
Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan is the occasion to make him known as the pro-m¬ised Savior: the Father calls him his beloved Son; the Holy Spirit will guide him.
General Intercessions:
P. Today let us pray to our Father in heaven, who sent his Son among us as a servant to set us free and to make us new. Let us say to him:
1. For the Church and its leaders, that they and we may not seek compro¬mises with wealth and power but serve and help the poor, let us pray:
2. For all those who do not know Christ or who are estranged from the Church, that the way we live Christ’s gospel may reveal to them the love of the Lord, let us pray:
3. For us Christians and for all people, that the Holy Spirit may guide us to respect all who are little and defenseless; that we may not crush them but give them justice, let us pray:
4. For all those who are baptized, that they may follow Christ and that, like him, they may learn to serve rather than to be served, let us pray:
5. For us who are here present, that with Fr. ______________the Eucharist may strengthen in us the gifts of the Holy Spirit and make us ever more faith¬ful to our vocation through our Gagmayng Simbahanong Katilingban, let us pray:
P. Lord our God, you have called us to become new when we were baptized. Forgive us our cowardice and keep renewing us through your Spirit, that we may have the courage to go with Christ all the way, for he is your Son and our Lord forever. Amen.
Be True to the Mystery of Your Baptism
The mystic knows in a uniquely graced way these mysteries that we believe and live out as we try to be true to the mystery of our baptism. The very word mystic derives from the word mystery, and God does allow the mystics to see into mysteries, like the mystery of baptism, by way of visions or insights that transcend our usual way of seeing. They see and relate to us the wonder of what is happening within us, for example, as we live out the mysteries of our salvation. The mystics confirm that what we believe is indeed true.