Lactose Intolerance
I often hear this statement in a party and gathering when someone is being offered ice cream: “Oh, thank you, but I have lactose intolerance.”
But what really is lactose intolerance?
This is a condition resulting from lactase deficiency and is relatively common among non- Caucasians. Clinically, this will present as diarrhea, abdominal cramps and flatulence. Failure to thrive is also common among the pediatric population.
The diagnosis is based on the demonstration of flat or low curve upon lactose loading. Also, acid ph and lactose in the stool are diagnostic. In doing mucosal biopsy, it will show an atrophic villi with cellular infiltration of the lamina propria, and a reduction of lactase activity.
To abate the symptoms, one has to eliminate lactose from the diet. Infants and children are given lactose- free formulas. Fluid and electrolyte disturbances should be corrected.