The Bohol Police Provincial Office (BPPO) is set to launch the Coronavirus disease (Covid) Awareness Response and Empowerment (CARE) program information drive here in the province.
This was the revelation of Major Jacinto Mandal, the chief of the Community Relations Division at Camp Dagohoy in a radio interview over Open Forum hosted by Ardy Araneta-Batoy and Dave Albarado on Monday, Jan. 18, 2021.
Mandal said that police personnel with medical background or those who are registered nurses will be tasked to speak to mothers in the hinterland areas in Bohol about how to prevent the spread of the virus causing Covid and the various health and safety protocol.
The program will start soon after all 57 units of the BPPO located in the various towns are informed about the program. He added that the BPPO will also coordinate with the various Rural Health Units (RHU) in the towns of Bohol.
The speakers who are police officers, he said, will be wearing laboratory gowns with civilian attire as a way to remove any “barrier” between the speakers and the audience.
Mandal acknowledged that some folks in the hinterlands may harbor ill-feelings towards police officers who carry firearms.
The CARE program started in the National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO). The program started during the tenure of the current Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Gen. Debold Sinas as NCRPO chief, and the program is now being cascaded to different police offices throughout the country.