Provincial administrator Kathyrin Pioquinto, in a memorandum, orders the disinfection of all Capitol offices following the report that six (6) Capitol employees tested positive for Coronavirus disease (Covid).
Pioquinto confirmed the existence of the memorandum in an interview before the groundbreaking ceremony of the future housing project for provincial employees in barangay Malayo Sur, Cortes.
All Capitol offices are subjected to disinfection starting on Friday, Jan. 22, 2021 and Pioquinto expects the disinfection activities to be completed by
Monday, Janz 25, 2021.
Employees are advised to work from home in order to be protected from chemical fumes resulting from the disinfection of all offices in rhe Capitol.
It was reported that the disinfection measure was recommended by Infection specialist Dr. Ellan Salada.
Earlier, Dr. Tomas Cesar Lopez, spokesperson of the Bohol Inter Agency Task Force (BIATF) reported that four (4) personnel from the Provincial Health Office (PHO), a staff in the office of Cong. Edgar Chatto and a staff in the Capitol’s communications arm Primer tested positive for Covid.
After recording single-digit figures early this week, the number of active Covid cases in Bohol reached 24 as of Thursday afternoon, according to Bohol Inter Agency Task Force (BIATF) spokesman Dr. Tomas Cesar Lopez.