Pointers on Immunizations
Since vaccination is now a very trending issue, i would like to share with everyone the following important pointers enumerated in our Textbook of Pediatrics by Dr. Fe del Mundo.
1. Every child deserves to be given the benefits of currently available and recommended immunizations
2. Immunizations must go hand in hand with hygienic procedures and other measures for disease prevention. There is no vaccine that gives 100% protection.
3. Recommended series of immunizations should be completed for adequate protection.
4. Booster or recall doses are important to maintain continuous protection of the child against the disease.
5. Occasional reactions should be made known to parents and instructions are given as to what to do initially in case they arise.
6. Immunizations are deferred if the child is: a. ill b. malnourished c. premature d. convalescing e. weak
6. Do not wait for an epidemic to occur to decide giving an immunization. It takes over a week to be protected after the vaccination.
7. Vaccinations with attenuated live vaccines are to be avoided among pregnant women or those who may get pregnant within the next 3 months
8. Active immunizations are deferred for children receiving immuni-suppressive treatments like corticosteroids, irradiation and antimetabolites
With these pointers given, i wish parents will be more educated on the benefits that immunizations will give our children. And with the current program of our government, I hope you will bring your children to the health center or to your own pediatricians for the measles, polio and dpt vaccinations. Love them! Protect them! Immunize them!