The Reasons People Get Cavities
Caries and cavities are small holes in the hard surface of the teeth.
Cavities are caused by bacteria found on the surface of teeth. These bacteria can consume sugar and as a result produce acid that in turn cause cavities.
Streptococcus mutans is the most common bacterium that produces acid and in turn causes cavities.
Bacteria form a sticky film known as plaque. The acids found in the plaque remove minerals from the tooth’s enamel. The tooth’s enamel is mostly made of calcium and phosphate.
Once the acid damage caused by the bacteria spreads into the dentin layer underneath the enamel, a cavity forms.
The good thing is that there are plenty of home remedies one can use to avoid getting cavities.
There are studies that suggest that cavities are caused by lack of vitamin D in the diet. In this study, kids who added vitamin D to their diets showed a reduction in cavities.
However, kids who added vitamin D while also removing grain products from their diets had the best results. This is possibly because grains can stick to the teeth.
Not getting enough vitamin D makes the teeth more susceptible to cavities, but we now understand that this is only a part of the puzzle.
Other factors for cavities include: dry mouth or medical conditions that lead to dry mouth, eating foods that cling to the teeth, too much sugary or sweet foods, heartburn, and poor oral hygiene among others.
The following are home remedies one can use to prevent cavities: chewing sugar-free gum, taking vitamin D supplements, cutting the intake of sugary foods and drinks and brushing the teeth with fluoride toothpaste.
Once a cavity appears, it cannot be treated at home. You need to see s dentist to ensure your teeth are getting the right treatment.
Regular visits to the dentist could lead to early diagnosis and early diagnosis means easier treatment.