Usually, vaccines are made available after 10-15 years of research and trials but why is it that it took less than 10-15 years for Covid-19 vaccine to be developed?
Dr. Melvin Sanicas explains the following:
1. data from other coronaviruses are already available. Scientists had already an existing data on the structure, genome and life cycle of this type of virus.
2. there is a global collaboration and data sharing
3. fundings for the vaccine research are available
4. advancements in science and technology are existing.
He further stated that, “the race is on to find both medicines and vaccines for the COVID-19 pandemic.” There are 130 vaccine candidates and 17 of which are in clinical trials while others are expected to move to clinical testing after the animal studies.
So, friends with this development, we can already see a ray of light in the tunnel.
Dr. Sanicas also mentioned the following vaccines available:
1. Biontech, the name of the vaccine is Comirnaty
2. Moderna, the name is mRNA-1273
3. AstraZeneca, the name is AZD1222 ( also known as Covishield in India)
4. Sputnik V also known as Gam-Covid-Vac)
5. CanSinoBIO, the name of the vaccine is Convidecia ( also known as Ad5-nCoV)
7. Sinovac, the name of the vaccine is CoronaVac
8. Covaxin also known as BBV 152 A,B,C
9. Bektop, te name of the vaccine is EpiVacCorona
Meanwhile, the following vaccines are still in phase 3 of clinical trial:
1. CVnCov
2: Zydus, the name of the vaccine is ZyCoV-D
3. johnson and Johnson : Ad26. COV2.S
4. Novavax
5. ZF2001
6. medicago, the name of the vaccine is CoVLP
7. Dynavax
It has been 1 (one) year since the start of this pandemic and the availability of these vaccines is the hope that we are all waiting for.
Whatever vaccines will arrive first and be made available, we should submit ourselves in order that we would be protected.
These vaccines have passed the scrutiny of different independent teams of experts so their efficacy and safety are being guaranteed.
Therefore, to fully win this fight against COVID-19, we should continue to wear mask, practice social distancing, wash our hands and avail ourselves of the vaccines.