Understanding Psoriatic Arthritis
(Part III)
We now tackle the overarching principles related to the management and treatment of Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA).
Overarching principles refer to principles of a generic nature. The optimal management of PsA patients requires non-pharmacological techniques such as educating the patient and regular exercise or some topical medication to treat skin psoriasis.
Modern disease-modifying anti rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) are usually costly and majority of patients may not be able to afford to buy these medicines.
Nevertheless, the European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR) declares that all patients with active and/or severe PsA should have the right to be given the right treatment they need to optimize their quality of life.
It is noteworthy to consider that the costs of some drugs have gone down through access to biosimilars and bio-originator repricing.
However, these benefits have not cascaded in all countries especially those which are not affluent.
Rheumatologists have the expertience and expertise in the use of DMARDs, in the treatment of PsA.
The goal of treatment is to eliminate inflammation and for the optimization of the quality of life of the patient.
The overarching principles also refer to treatment modalities which emphasize the importance of all musculoskeletal problems in patients with PsA.
Referring to co-morbidities, aside from cardiovascular disease, depression is mentioned because of its impact on the PsA patient.
Next week we will be discussing the treatment the experts recommend when dealing with PsA.