Some people join organizations due to their hobbies and interest. Others want to explore and have fun while some seek the deeper meaning behind their existence – to fill the void in their personality. Non-Government Organizations are being formed and their numbers are on the rise. I managed to join some of them that are in consonance with my interest and curiosity to explore the true essence of brotherhood.
Motorbike clubs and groups are forming almost in every town in the province. These groups should be role models in upholding transportation laws and regulations. Members should lead in following traffic signs and adhering to LTO’s guidelines.
Loon Moto Club (LMC) is a motorcycle enthusiast group in Loon, Bohol that promotes safe riding of all motorists by wearing protective gear and equipment especially helmets. This group is still in its infancy but the officers and members are reputable riders of the town.
A motorcycle owner should have a valid driver’s license before he could join. The motor vehicle should be registered and its annual registration is highly encouraged. This group is doing “charity rides”, helping the deprived while enjoying the group trip.
Another group that I happened to join is the 3 Lions Association (3L) of Loon, Bohol. The founders of this group are keen individuals that aims to project a new face to groups that promotes ‘brotherhood’.
This group aims to help its members grow as law-abiding citizens thus hazing is non-existent or is not a requisite for a person to join. According to Nebraska state law, hazing is “any activity by which a person intentionally or recklessly endangers the physical or mental health or safety of an individual for the purpose of initiation into, admission into, affiliation with, or continued membership with any organization. Such activity shall include, but not be limited to, whipping, beating, branding, forced and prolonged calisthenics, prolonged exposure to elements, forced consumption of any food, liquor, beverage, drug, or harmful substance not generally intended for human consumption, prolonged sleep deprivation, or any brutal treatment of the performance of any act which endangers the physical or mental health or safety of any person.”
Hazing is never proof of one’s dedication and bravery. If a group or fraternity violates the Republic Act 8049 or the Anti-Hazing Act, then that group is tolerating an illegal act and will not be considered as a respectable entity. There are numerous ways to recruit members that would still instill respect from its elders.
Hazing is a menacing and nefarious behavior, not a rite of passage. Through continued education and information dissemination, organizations can develop other positive ways to bring members together and keep the unity without the need for violence. Hazing is never an instrument of tough love but an exploit to trample one’s rights.
3L does not conduct such activity. We help the community and the government in promoting peace and unity. This organization requires its new recruits to render community service such as coastal clean-up or ‘tabo’ to cleanse the surroundings. Members are blessed with a sturdy leadership that ensures the well-being not just of the members but of the citizens of the community.
Padayon Loon Moto Club (LMC) and 3 Lions (3L)!