Love in its purest form
Today, we honor the woman who devotes her entire life to loving and caring for her children. She endures all the pain and dares to face all the dangers in life to give her children and family the best.
Many of our predecessors became great men and women because of their mothers. US President George Washington attributed his success in life to the moral, intellectual, and physical education he received from her mother. Pablo Picasso, a great painter in his time, recounted how her mother saw the best in him. ‘If you become a soldier, you’ll be a general; if you become a monk, you’ll end up as the pope. Instead, I became a painter and wound up as Picasso.’ (www.brainyquote.com)
A mother plants the seeds of love and hope in an innocent child’s heart by example. According to the accounts of historians, Rizal got his talents from his mother, Doña Teodora. Although she lived a life of affluence, she defended her family to the point of enduring persecutions in her life.
Fast forward to the present time. Our modern-day heroes dare the risks of assuming multiple roles on top of their lifetime role as a mother. At home, she takes care of all the needs of her family. Still, when she goes outside of her home, she faces the complex challenges of her career as a doctor, a lawyer, a nurse, an engineer, a manager, or simply as a janitor whose work enables others to do their own. With all these pressures of life’s daily grind, the family remains her priority.
Despite all the hardships that life may bring, a mother is never tired of loving her children and family. There is a story of a mother who had only one eye. She visited her son in school, but the latter was embarrassed when her classmates laughed at him and taunted him about his mother having only one eye. The kid hated her mother, studied hard, and when he landed a job, he left his mother, who was an embarrassment to him. She died without seeing her son, but on her deathbed, she left a letter saying, “When you were very little, you got into an accident and lost your eye. As a mother, I couldn’t stand watching you having to grow up with only one eye, and so I gave you mine. Please know that I’m so proud of you for seeing a whole new world for me, with no more pains and embarrassment, in my place, with that eye. I was never upset at you for anything you did.” (www.sermoncentral.com)
We salute all the mothers, our heroes. Happy Mother’s Day!