by Fr. Jose “Joesum” Sumampong, Jr.
May 16, 2021
Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord (B)
(52nd World Communications Sunday)
Acts 1: 1-11 / Psalm 47: 2-3, 6-9 /
Ephesians 1: 17-29 / Mark 16: 15-20
Word: The text we are reading today passes suddenly from a whiplash-like reproach of unbelief to a universal mission. We need to go back and read the verse that immediately precedes verse 15. Here we read, “(But) later, as the eleven were at table, he appeared to them and rebuked them for their unbelief and hardness of heart because they had not believed those who saw him after he had been raised” (Mk 16:14). Then the gospel narrative continues, “He said to them, “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature” (Mk 16:15).
Obviously, the author is summing up. We know, from the other gospels, that effectively all the disciples began by not believing.
But Jesus invites His friends to launch out, to leave their insignificant routine and go to meet everyone and every group. The Mission pre-supposes a “departure”, an act by which we “leave our own home”, our little mental universe. It is our duty to look at new cultures, to welcome “contemporary system of thoughts”, to listen to the aspirations of modern men and women, to leave “our ready-made thoughts and intellectual comfort”, so that we may come to term with those who do not spontaneously think as we do.
In the Greek original text means “the Good News”. Қϵπυςςϵίή (kerussein) literally means “to shout”. The gospel, therefore, is foremost a “κεπφημα” (Kerygma), a “shouting” or “proclamation” of the Good News. Ultimately, Jesus does not ask us to convince anyone or to prove anything. But, very simply, to give a joyful and powerful witness to our Christian FAITH.
Of course, we cannot help but notice, there are Christians who do not make others feel like becoming Christian themselves! Rather, they spend their time complaining, condemning, criticizing, or judging. If faith or religion is for us something mournful and sad, it is better never to speak of it. Let us ask from the Lord Himself the grace to be gifted with this contagious JOY which Jesus asks of us.
If it is a GOOD NEWS, a wonderful and an inspiring message, then this will show through our attitudes and gestures, shall be expressed in a joyful “shout” bursting from our lips and, most of all, in our lives.
Order: This summary speaks to our hearts. In it, God tells us that we have not to waste time with our doubts and hesitations. The risen Lord jostles and rushes his Apostles, without taking their lack of belief into account. Jesus takes the initiative of trusting them, however imperfect they still are. There is a dynamism in these two imperatives: “Go… Proclaim…”
The Lord Jesus is not waiting for us to be perfect before we are sent on the missions. His Church is not perfect, his Apostles are not perfect, everyone of us is not perfect. But this is no valid excuse to do nothing.
Today is also the WORLD COMMUNICATION SUNDAY. In a special way, we are challenged to communicate the Gospel through the contemporary media of social communications, like the newspapers, radio, TV, cell phone and the internet.
The Gospel is a force of salvation, liken to “a spring of happiness” which we, Christians, have in our hands. So let us not fold our hands, let’s use them to spread that FORCE.
Realities: 1. One day an Anglican bishop named Cecil had to go by train to another town for confirmation. He was an absentminded man and had mislaid his railroad ticket, so that when he got into the train and sat down, he could not produce it for the ticket collector.
The good man said to the bishop, “Don’t worry, my Lord; we know who you are.”
“That’s all very well and I thank you,” replied the bishop. “But without the ticket how am I to know where I’m supposed to be going?” (Clifton Fadiman, Destination Uncertain)
Direction: GOD, our Father, help us not to lose sight of heavenly realities while we apply ourselves diligently to the circumstances of our earthly lives. Enable us to hear your voice, follow your will, pursue your purpose, and accept your judgments. Help us to act to please you rather than ourselves or others. And after our earthly lives are over, let us be united with your Son in the unity that you share with him and the Holy Spirit. (JOINT PRAYER TO DO GOD’S WILL, People’s Prayer Book)