PREPARING FOR THE NEXT VACCINATION SCHEDULE. teamINABANGA under the leadership of Mayor Roygie Jumamoy (photo 1) leads the regular medical meeting via videoconferencing. This took place on May 11, 2021 at the Sangguniang Bayan Session Hall. Facilitating the said event was the Inabanga Department of Public Health headed by Municipal Health Officer Dr. Edar Rospan Ajo and assisted by Nurse IV Ma. Rolinda J. Melecio (photo 2). The event was attended by organic medical employees as well as employees from the Human Resources for Health (HRH) from the Department of Health (photo3) stationed in Inabanga. Discussed in the said event were the developments of Coronavirus disease (Covid) particularly the preparation of the next batch of priority group  identified in the Philippines vaccination program, which are the senior citizens. (Inabanga Communications and News Service / ICoNS)