ni: Jes B. Tirol
Himabúyan 23, 2021
Mga Ngalan sa Kinhason
Bahin 2
(Part 2)
Ang Sinugboanong Binisayâ adunay daghang mga lugpong kabahin sa mga kinhason. Daghan na ako og natálà apan nasayod ako nga daghan pa usab ang walâ pa nákò mahibalo-i.
Atong padayonon ang pagtálà sa mga ngalan sa kinhason.
Mga Ngalan
53. habasán – A kind of seashell. It has conical shape.
54. haláan – A kind of bivalve seashell.
55. hánghang – A kind of shellfish
56. hanlilimúkon – A kind of shellfish.
57. hubúlhuból – A kind of edible shellfish found in the sand of beaches.
58. lagang – Chambered nautilus. A kind of seashell.
59. lampírong – Capiz shell; a kind of seashell whose shell is used for window panes.
60. lángkì – Whelk; a kind of seashell.
61. lawáy-lawáy – A kind of shellfish.
62. layagán – A kind of shellfish. It has a sail-like appendage on its shell.
63. limúkon – A kind of deep sea shellfish that looks like a crab without claws.
64. lingalíngà – A kind of shellfish.
65. líswi – Blood-mouthed conch; strawberry conch.
66. lúmban – A kind of seashell. The disc-like cover of its hole will move sideward when soaked in vinegar placed in a plate.
67. mánlot – A kind of shellfish.
68. munáng – A kind of shellfish.
69. paghóy – A kind of seashell.
70. palútan – A kind of seashell.
71. payapaya – A kind of shellfish.
72. púkì – A kind of large, smooth cowry seashell. sc.n. cyrpraea spcs.
73. punáw – A kind of bi-valve shellfish found in large rivers, Venus shellfish.
74.. pundukpúndok – Whelk. A kind of shellfish that always stays in groups. Also, dalúdaló; dawudawó…
75. punyeti – A kind of shellfish.
76. saáng – Spider conch. It is a kind of shellfish. sc.n. lambis.
77. saguasig – A kind of shellfish.
78. saliót – A kind of shellfish
79. samóng – A kind of shellfish. Its shell is conical in shape.
80. sangkâsangka – Murex. A kind of shellfish with long body.
81. síhì – Periwinkle. It is almost spherical in shape of about 2 cm in diameter.
82. singguráyong – A kind of shellfish. It is about 10 cm long.
83. sulód-sulód – Kind of heart-shaped shellfish; heart shell.
84. susô – A kind of seashell. It lives in groups.
85. suwásig – A kind of shellfish.
86. tabugsok- A kind of large spider conch seashell. (Kp: saáng).
87. taklúbo – A relatively large bivalve shellfish. Also, takúbo.
88. taktákon – A kind of shellfish.
89. tagitit – A kind of small bi-valve shellfish. Also, kaykay; punáw.
90. tagnípis – A kind of shellfish. It regularly attaches itself to stones.
91. tagokán – A kind of shellfish or snail.
92. tagpísò – A kind of shellfish.
93 tambáyang – A kind of shellfish. It is a bivalve with brownish color.
94. tambúli – A kind of large conch shellfish; triton.
95. tamiát – A kind of shellfish.
96. tamilô- A kind of shellfish.
97. tamíslak – A kind of shellfish.
98. tamíslat – Horseshoe clam; a kind of shellfish.
99. tamisón – A kind of shellfish.
100. tandog-tándog – A kind of pointed shellfish that stick to rocks or mangrove trees.
101. tangáli – A kind of edible shellfish.
102. tangóg – A kind of shellfish.
103. tapdagás – A kind of shellfish.
104. tapdagáy – It is a kind of shellfish. It usually clings to stones.
105. tapusók – Wentletrap; a kind of edible shellfish with univalve.
106. tibo – Kind of spindle shellfish about 5 cm long. It is usually found in shallow bays.
107. tingpaán – A kind of shellfish found in sandy beaches of the sea.
108. tipáy – Mother-of-pearl, nacre. A kind of shellfish.
109. tikab – A kind of seashell.
110. tuát – A kind of mussel shellfish.
111. turungturóng – It is conical in shape and about 2 cm in height and base diameter.
112. tuwáy – Oyster, a kind of bivalve shellfish.
113. údpan – A kind of shellfish. 114. wasáywasáy – A kind of shellfish. It is flat and thin and shaped like an ax.