The Provincial Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (PTF-ELCAC) met virtually , on Monday, June 21, 2021 to discuss strategies to end the conflict with the communist terrorist groups (CTG here in the province, according to a report coming from the Provincial Information and Media Relations (PRIMER) office.
Gov. Arthur Yap attended the said meeting virtually and delivered an address in the said conference which is called a leveling session.
In his address, Yap reiterated the message of Presidential Executive Order No. 70 of President Duterte and Yap’s own Executive Order No. 18, which enjoins the members of the PTF-ELCAC to follow the whole-of-nation approach in solving the CTG problem and to maintain the peace and order situation in the country.
Yap added that even if the province is still reeling from the effects of the pandemic, and Bohol has been insurgency-free for more than a decade, still the CTG such as the New People’s Army (NPA) is looking for ways to regain their former influence and baliwicks, and cause problems in the peace and order.
For this reason, the PTF-ELCAC needs to look for ways to crush the CTG here in order to maintain the peace and order situation in the province, Yap stressed.
During a Regional Peace and Order Council (RPOC) meeting in Dumaguete City last month, Duterte said he wants the CTG “crashed”.
According to the PRIMER, 14 persons were allegedly killed by the NPA since Yap assumed governorship in 2019.