Rickets and Scurvy

Rickets is a disease process of the growing skeleton caused by disturbance in calcium and phosphate metabolism. This is a condition where there is an inadequate calcification of the bone matrix. 

The following are the causes of Rickets:

  • vitamin D deficiency
  • renal tubular insufficiency
  • chronic renal insufficiency
  • hypophosphatasia

In this condition, the main disturbance is failure of calcification of cartilage and osteoid tissue. The rachitic bone is soft in its active phase and becomes distorted in shape under the strain of body weight and other stresses.

Scurvy develops after 6 to 12 months of vitamin C deficient diet or in infants between 6 and 18 months without fresh fruit or vitamin C supplement. 

The deficiency of Vit C causes a dysfunction of the osteoblasts thus resulting to failure of production of osteoid tissue and of formation of new bone. Bone mineralization is not disturbed and the cartilage columns calcify normally but are not converted into bone. 

There will be generalized osteoporosis due to scurvy.