Bohol Tribune
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Teaser no. 11: Are expensive hospitals in PH worth every money you pay?

Are expensive hospitals in the country worth the money you pay them when some of these health care facilities are allegedly not providing satisfactory service to patients?

The Bohol Tribune has received complaints coming from patients of expensive hospitals regarding the way they are managed and served when admitted in the said hospitals.

For this reason we are asking a few questions:

1.) Is it possible that despite the expensive cost of some “classy” hospitals in the country, they are short changing the patients in terms of the food provisions? Is it possible that there are times when the dietary section would forget the complete food allocation for a patient? After bringing the gripe to the on who is in charge, the latter would simply say, “Ay nakalimtan man imong sud-an!”

2.) Is it possible that there are some expensive hospitals that are serving food not at par with the amount that is paid for the room accommodation of the said hospital?

3.) Is it also possible that there are hospitals in the country where nurses would pick a fight with fellow nurses in plain view of patients and other co-employees and causing anxiety to the environment and as a result will affect the morale of people around?

4.) Is it possible that there are some expensive hospitals in the country who don’t have enough stocks of medicines that would result to patients missing their scheduled injection, but whose nurses would insist and tell the patient exactly the opposite? 

5.) Is it allowed by health authorities for an expensive hospital to outsource laboratory needs of a patient? Isn’t it expected of an expensive hospital to have its own laboratory?

6.) Isn’t it only fitting to expect tender loving care from an expensive hospital’s health care staff? 

7.) Isn’t it the proper time now to retool some hospital staff of the basic GMRC thing composed of good manners and right conduct?

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