ni: Jes B. Tirol
Hidapdapón 25, 2021
Mga Piniling Pulong Nga Hanap Na Ang Pagsabot
Aduna akoy higala nga naghángyò kanakò sa paghatag sa kahulogan sa Ininglis nga mga Binisayâ nga pulong nga matod pa niya, hanap na kuno ang mga kahulogan. Ang mga tawo nga iyang pangutan-on magkalainlain ang ihatag nga kahulogan. Atong tukibon karon kining maong mga pinili nga mga pulong.
1. balanggunô – 1. Eccentric; nut; a person who is some-what mentally sick and displays abnormal behavior or practices. (Kp: balinuhót; kuwánggol). 2. Codger; an eccentric or testy man.
2. bugó1 – A kind of tree, which is tall and stout. It is a medicinal tree. The decoction of its leaves yields a black dye. sc.n. garuga floribunda.
3. búgò2 – 1. Dumb-wit; stupid; mentally weak in understanding. (Kp: amáw; bulók, talátalá). 2. A kind of small shoreline fish; a kind of goby fish. Also, búnog
4. bulók1 – 1. Dull ; low intelligence. (Kp: búgò; lâlâ). 2. Color-blind; blurred vision. (Kp: hálap; hap). 3. To mix two or more distinct species. 4. A whitish blemish on the body. (Kp: pugís). 5. Freckle or whitish spot. 6. Large freshwater shrimp. (Kp: íkman; páji). 7. A species of sugarcane.
5. búlok2 – Color; hue; tint. (Kp: sákì).
6. gúngò – 1. The whiskers of fishes. 2. Barbel; soft thread-like appendages on the jaws, chin, or nostrils of certain fishes that functions as an organ of touch. (Kp: buháy).
7. guwátsi – (Mex. Sp.). 1. Buffoon; buffoonery. (Kp: siáw). 2. Trick; trickery. (Kp: pusong; pinúsong). 3. Prank; jest; sly; wag. (Kp: tistis).
8. guwatsinanggo – (b.p. guwátsi). A prankish and mischievous fellow; naughty. (Kp: púsong)
9. hungog1 – 1. Engross; prepossess; be overly engaged in; transfix. (Kp: búang). 2. To become too much involved; obsessed; buff; cacoethes. (Kp: kubád). 3. Hang up; infatuate. 4. Paranoia; a systematized delusion. (Kp: kadawiráw).
10. hungóg2 – A person who is too involved in something that he becomes absent- minded or negligent; nincompoop; oaf; saphead.
11. istúpido – (Sp: estúpido). Stupid; dolt; dimwit. Also, búgò; urig. (Kp: torpe).
12. kulúkoy – (Arabic: kholoq = character). Jerk; a ridiculous person; an unusual character, crackpot. (Kp: ugók).
13. lánsis – 1. Ruse; trick; stratagem; wile. (Kp: língla; bútbot). 2. Specious; a white lie; flam; make a plausible explanation but it is not the real thing. (Kp: sumangil).
14. limbongán1 – (b.p. límbong) 1. Cheater; deceitful; dishonest; guileful; rook. (Kp: tikasán). 2. Bunco steerer; swindler. (Kp: mangingilád).
15. lubáy2 – Flexible; pliant; supple; easily bent. (Kp: lutay). Lutáy has a connotation of weakness while a lubáy does not. “Lubay ang uway apan dili nimo mabúgtò. = The rattan is pliant but you cannot break it by pulling.”
16. lubay–lúbay – 1. Flexible; plant. An emphasis by repetition of lubáy. (Kp: lutay- lútay). 2. To limber. (Kp: huyatid). 3. A swaying motion of an object or sound. (Kp: lúray) 17.maldito (Sp: maldito). [Masculine form). 1. Bad or wicked man; villain. 2. In modern usage, it can refer to a prankster or mischievous man.
18. mangilad – (b.p. ilad). To swindle; to dupe; con. (Kp: manglímbong; maníkas).
19. mirisi – (Sp: merecer). Deserve; you deserve it merited; condign. It is used as derision. “Mirisi ka kay tabián ka. = You deserve your comeuppance because you are talkative.” Also, ball. (Kp: maayo ra; tiuka).
20. pahóy – 1. (old meaning) Sentry; guard. (Kp: seréno; púka). 2. Scarecrow; straw man; an object that is shaped like humans whose function is to scare animals; dummy. (Kp: tawo-táwo). 3. Expression: A person who is a weakling and useless; subservient. (Kp: sápsing). 4. Lame duck; an office holder who had been defeated in the election and just waiting to end his term in office. 5. Effigy. (Kp: tawo-táwo). 6. Minion; a servile follower. (Kp: hibáot).
21. surámbaw – 1. Sabotage; to disrupt or frustrate an activity; interlope; interloper. Also, sabotáhe. (Kp: ngundiyas; bulángbuláng; súhong)2. A kind of rectangular or square fishing net operated at night with the aid of bright lamps. 3. Kill-joy; troll ; one who spoils the pleasure of others; spoiler. 4. Obscurant; one who obscure by opposing or hindering.
22. talawan (6.p. tálaw). Coward; craven; poltroon; yellow; fainthearted. (Kp: hadlokán; tawanan; taslakán).
23.tambalúslos [TAMBAL + LUSLOS = TAMBALUSLOS). 1. Nymphomania; an extreme and ungovernable sexual desire, especially in women. 2. Sex maniac. 3. A mythical large human-like entity that inhabits large trees and woodlands. It is characterized by a large mouth and huge lips that becomes inverted when it laugh. They like to play pranks on passers-by. (Kp: ágtà).
24.tarantado – (Sp: atarantar). 1. A person who easily panic. 2. Colloquially it refers to a person who behaves or acts not in accordance to accepted norms either intentionally or not. (Kp: balingkúlot).
25. tónto – (Sp: tonto). Stupid; foolish; crazy. Sometimes spelled as túnto. (Kp: amáw).
26. ugók – (Arabic: uquq = disobedient). 1. A person who is disobedient but does it as a joke. Like a person who is asked to hand over something and pretends to run away but eventually hands it over. “Ugók ning tawhána. = This person is jokingly disobedient.” (Kp: siáw; kulúkoy). 2. A jerk; foolish. 3. The lump at the neck of some persons or animals, as cows; neck hump. (Kp: tangkugoon; purúkò). 4. A kind of jackstone; a lump or clod of soil, usually moist, used for throwing at something. (Kp: ayawán; pamunô).