Argosy S. Nazareno
A growing number of local governments in the country are now implementing their old curfew ordinances. It is good that these long dormant ordinances have been dusted off and put to good use. But due to some legal issues especially about the curfew for minors, our local officials should review certain provisions of their respective ordinances for it not to be contradictive to the national law.
While curfews are a throwback to this generation, it is merely a measure to keep people especially minors home at a time of the day when, from common experience, it is no longer generally safe to be outside. In other words, curfews are a means of protection.
Many teens see the adolescent years as a time to break away from their family and parents, and experience more freedom in certain aspects of their lives. Having a curfew seems unfair and unreasonable for them, but what they fail to realize is that curfews are actually beneficial to their overall well-being.
These curfews are not only good for keeping them out of harm, they are also helpful in rekindling family bonding by keeping them home. Many of the bad things that occur to the young are almost always the result of a breakdown in family closeness and relations. When families no longer care where some of its members are, especially at night, most often these members end up on the wrong side of life.
While curfews are indeed a challenge that the youth needs to deal with, it is a challenge that can only make them better persons. Instead of looking at curfews as a reduction to their rights, it should be regarded as a means to keep them safe while practicing them with discipline.
Curfews have many advantages that the young might not realize; these advantages include staying out of trouble, better time management, less sleep deprivation, and increased focus in school. My grandfather once said that during his younger days, his parents were very strict regarding their curfew. Of course their time was different from ours but the point is, they had high respect to their elders and abide by their wisdom. They believe that following your elders is beneficial and will prepare them to life’s greater hurdles when they become adults.
Ultimately, curfews are reasonable guidelines that should be followed. It is important that the young generation maintain respect for their parents. The rules set by our parents through our adolescent years will be very helpful as we encounter the ups and downs of life. While it may seem unfair or unreasonable at this time, we will eventually realize how beneficial such rules are and will thank our parents for looking out for our well-being. We should recognize that they are looking out for us and we should be grateful.