Bohol Tribune

House passes virology bill

by June Blanco 

Barring any hitches, the Philippines will have its own Virology, Science and Technology Institute soon.
This comes after lawmakers in the House of Representatives on July 28, 2021, passed on third and final reading House Bill No. 9559.
The bill is “envisioned to become the premier research and development institute in the field of virology, encompassing all areas in viruses and viral diseases in humans, plants and animals”.
Authored by Rep. Erico Aristotle Aumentado of Bohol’s 2nd District, the bill was deliberated on by the joint committees on science and technology, which he chairs – together with Rep. Angelina Tan of Quezon province’s 4th District.
A physician by profession, Tan adds that the bill is looking to modernize the country’s capabilities for public health emergency preparedness and strengthen the current bureaucracy to address threats of communicable diseases through organizational and institutional reforms.
President Duterte, in his July 26, 2021, State of the Nation Address, endorsed the bill as one of his priority measures.
A similar bill is now being tackled in the Senate.
In the event the bill will be signed into law by the President, the institute will be tasked to conduct product research for diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines.

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