Screen Time and the Eyes
In the latest annual convention of the Philippine Pediatric Society, Pediatric screen time was thoroughly discussed by Dr Patrick Santiago, an Opthalmologist based in Manila.One of the effects of this recent pandemic is the increase in screen time of our children. And Dr Santiago mentioned that this may result in the following:
1. Asthenopia – this refers to eye strain, the eyes feel tired, sore or achy which is due to prolonged use of the muscles that control the eye movements and the pupils. This may manifest as headache, eye pain, brow ache , transient blurring , vomiting or nausea
Treatment for this may be done in the following ways:
A. Relax accommodation
B. Look far
C. Look at green
D. Take screen breaks
2. Dry Eye Syndrome – This is also known as Keratoconjunctivitis sicca. This may manifest as irritation, redness, discharges. The person may also become easily fatigued with blurring of vision3. Myopia – Studies have shown that myopia has become more common among children and that research has suggested that children who spend more time indoors doing near-focused activities such as computer work, video games and reading have higher rates of getting myopia than those who spend more time outdoors.
Myopia has increased risk for the development of:
A. Retinal detachment
B. Posterior staphyloma
C. Choroidal neovascular membranes
D. Angioid streaks4. Blue Light sleep disorders / depression – The blue light from electronic devices messes with our circadian rhythm or sleep cycle; this will signal the brain to wake up when it should be winding down thus resulting to poor sleep.
There was a study that said that as little as 2 hours of exposure to blue light at night slowed or stopped the release of the sleep hormone , melatonin.
How do we manage this condition called Blue Light sleep disorders / depression?
A. Limit your child’s screen time
B. All electronic devices, including handheld game devices, should be out at least 1/2 hour before bedtime
C. Power down all digital devices at least 3 hours before bedtime