Ivermectin for Covid Treatment? Let’s See!
We are now moving into the 2nd year of the pandemic and most of us are wondering when this crisis will end. Millions of people have been impacted and a number of them have died from this disease. It is only natural for people to hope, believe and search for possible treatment for the Coronavirus disease (Covid).
Due to the number of deaths secondary to covid19, it is not surprising that some people are looking at treatment they think can protect them. The search for the magic bullet that can help treat Covid started as soon as the pandemic showed its ugly head and one “result” of their “search” includes Ivermectin. But, IVERMECTIN IS NOT APPROVED BY FDA.
Clinical trials have shown that Ivermectin has no anti-viral property, and this is the reason FDA did not and has not approved Ivermectin for covid19 prevention and treatment
We have to listen to the FDA when it comes to using drugs like Ivermectin. It is the FDA’s job to review scientific data, making sure that a particular drug is safe and effective for human consumption. Any treatment not approved by FDA can cause serious harm.
The current Ivermectin preparation has many inactive ingredients that are safe for animals but not for humans. For now we don’t know how these inactive ingredients behave in our system. We don’t know what the effects of these inactive ingredients to humans are.
Ivermectin is an anti parasitic drug. It is used to treat heartworm and other animal parasites. Available oral preparation is too high for human consumption. Such dose is highly toxic to humans. It can cause liver failure, seizure, nausea and vomiting, hypotension, coma or even death.
Ivermectin also interacts with other medications like blood thinners making it even more dangerous when taken by patients with comorbidity and patients who are maintaining blood thinners.
We have a topical form of Ivermectin for human use. This topical preparation is intended for external parasite like head lice, and rosacea (form of skin condition); but not for covid19 prophylaxis. We repeat, the topical form is surely not for Covid prophylaxis or prevention or treatment for that matter
For now, no doctor with a sound mind would prescribe Ivermectin to his patient, may it be for COVID19 treatment or prevention.
As we grapple with the Delta variant, the only way we could stop the Covid spread is through mass vaccination. I cannot over emphasize the fact that vaccination is the most effective way of preventing severe Covid and keeping those who are infected with Covid away from hospitals and end up clogging the health care facilities.
Indeed, the delta variant is already here; the only solution to stop covid19 is mass vaccination NOT IVERMECTIN!