The Balatero and Bongoyan Nuptials

The couple, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Paul Balatero (nee Neriza Fe Bongoyan)
They separated ways twice. He did the “pamanhikan” twice, too. On the third move, he made sure that he would be bringing her to the altar for the Sacramant of Matrimony.
Happy 5th wedding anniversary Glenn Paul and Neriza Fe. On September 11, 2021, both will be celebrating the 5th year of their marriage.
The love story of Glenn Paul Balatero and Neriza Fe Bongoyan is a wonderful tale to remember. On their wedding day (5 years ago) Paul told us their love story this way: “We met on June 18. 2010 (around 6 years ago) during one of our cash count activities at FAL SHIPPING CORPORATION. This was the company she was connected with before. I asked, very kindly, for her mobile phone number which paved my directions to send her text messages. We started to go out for dinner dates; we both like food. We never really experienced a specific date to celebrate our `monthsary’ or any anniversary. It is because we just assumed that we were already a ‘couple’ related to each other since we were already dating exclusively for quite some time. I enjoyed every moment I was with her. I would even call her ‘Ming’ because when we would go out, she used to rub her face on my arms just like our “miming” (kitten). Lovely, isn’t it? This went on for some time until we separated ways in 2014. O000ps! Don’t be sad because we were back to each other’s arms again on December of 2015. That time I didn’t anymore call her ‘Ming’ but ‘LOVE”! We planned the wedding for 9 solid months.
In fact, we started processing first some of the wedding documents even before I could do the `pamanhikan’. But I did this with the consent of her mom. It’s true, after the first ‘pamanhikan’, we encountered some problems that we almost decided to separate ways again. But the rest of the story should only belong to both of us, as we are certain that today, September 11, 2016 at 9:30 am. we will be celebrating one of the best days of our lives right here at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Church (Taloto District, Tagbilaran City) with Fr. Agerio Pana as our celebrant and Gloria Leodivica Ines Araneta as our commentator.” The groom is Glenn Paul Balatero, a certified public accountant and the bride is Neriza Fe Bongoyan. Glenn and Neriza are now both employed at Lite Shipping Corporation based in Cebu City. Immediately after the church ceremonies, the wedding reception was held at the Sandugo Grand Ballroom of the Bohol Tropics Resort amidst scarlet red as the dominant color. “SMILE”, Philippines was event coordinator, commentator and reception host with Rheo Monton doing the photo and video coverage.