Bohol Tribune

Medical Insider – Dr. Bryan Cepedoza

The Need to Inform the Public on Key Interventions Related to Covid-19

(Editor’s Note: The author is the TOPNOTCHER – Top 1 – in the Diplomate Examination in Internal Medicine in 2009. He was also TOP 3 in the Diplomate Examination in Adult Pulmonary Medicine in 2013. He landed in the TOP 20 SLOT during the 2003 Physician Licensure Examination. He is acclaimed as one of the top pulmonologists in the country today. He is a practicing physician focusing his service in Bohol. He holds clinic at the following hospitals:  

He is also affliated with Ramiro Community Hospital, Borja Family Hospital, Holy Name University Medical Center and the Medical Mission Group Hospital and Health Service Cooperative Hospital of Bohol.)

As we continue to grapple with the Coronavirus disease (Covid), there are things that we need to emphasize as we try to suggest the weeding out of some forms of treatment and interventions that Boholanos think can prevent the spread of the disease and cure the Covid infection. 

We wish to kindly make it clear that this corner’s mission is to ensure that the public is well informed and given the right knowledge on how to prevent and stay away from the Covid virus.

So, let us discuss the following “interventions”:

  1. Hydroxychloroquine  – Based on the SOLIDARITY TRIAL conducted by World Health Organization (WHO), hydroxychloroquine CANNOT BE USED for prophylaxis (prevention). This can’t be used to treat Covid infections. In fact, this drug is associated with higher mortality if given to patients with Covid. 
  1. Virgin Coconut Oil – there is no evidence that this can cure Covid infection or prevent covid19 infection
  1. Lianhua – This is a ChInese form of medication. The PSMID (Philippine society for Microbiology and Infectious Diseases) recommends against the use of Lianhua as treatment and prevention for covid19.
  1. Ivermectin – There is insufficient evidence to recommend the use of ivermectin in the treatment of patients with covid19 infection. Hence, everyone is discouraged to take ivermectin as prophylxais since this may lead to complacency and potentially encourage individuals to involve in risky behaviour leading to rise in covid cases.
  1. Ionizing Air Filter – The PSMID recommends against the use of ionizing air purifier to reduce covid-19 transmission in the community
  1. Steam Inhalation – This will improve some symptoms of covid19 like nasal congestion, but this has no anti viral property. This will not improve the condition of patients with covid19 infection. Worse, if the user of steam inhalation is infected with covid19, the aerosol generated by the steam will be contaminated by the user’s virus and will spread it all over the place, potentially infecting other household members. Steam inhalation can not be used as prevention against covid19.

Therefore, I say without fear of any contradiction that the interventions that are proven effective to prevent covid infection are:

Let us remember and take note with precision that ALL AVAILABLE COVID-19 VACCINES are still highly effective in preventing severe cases, critical cases and death against all Covid-19 variants, including the scariest delta variant. Please and please get vaccinated. Any of the vaccines available can prevent death and hospitalizations due to Covid.

As a concluding shot, I encourage the public to stick to the proven methods in preventing Covid. As they say prevention is better than cure. Spend less in the prevention, instead of spending more in the treatment of Covid. Again, it is just as simple as washing your hands; wearing your masks; practicing social distancing; and having yourself vaccinated. Take note, the life you are saving is definitely yours!

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