Bohol Tribune

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The Tagbilaran Woman’s Club, Inc. (TWCI) Presidents Through the Years

Compiled by Sylvia Fortich

  1. Catalina Fortich Rocha (1921-1922) – Founder and 1st President
    “Dona Taling” came from a Tagbilaranon illustrious family of Spanish Mestizo descent – the Fortich and Sarmiento families. She was married to Don Fernando Gorraiz Rocha who was Governor of Bohol during the American regime. The only living heirs of Dona Taling are the offsprings of her daughter Paz Modesta Suarez all residing in Manila.
  2. Eduarda Sarmiento Butalid (1922-1924) – Eduarda. was the first of 3 Butalid sisters who served as President of TWCI during its early existence. She was an educator and was active in socio, civic and religious activities of then old Tagbilaran. Eduarda was unmarried.
  3. Susana Butalid Jalap (1925-1927) – “Iya Sana” was an educator at Bohol High School during the American time. It was during her term that negotiations were made for the construction of NFWC mandated “Puericulture Center” of Tagbilaran City. She was the Key person who made possible the realization of that vision of “Maternity House & Puericulture Center#16 – Tagbilaran City”
    It was an honor to have known her in her liftime, she was our next door neighbor at J. A. Clarin St of Old Tagbilaran. Iya Sana led a single life devoting her time to “Service to God, country and Tagbilaran!”
  4. Obdulla Butalid Alejandro (1928-1930) – Obdulia was the 2nd Butalid sister to sit as President of TWCI. She was married to Mr. Alejandro, an educator and one of the founders of University of Bohol. It was during her term that the Maternity & Puericulture Center was operational. Her only heirs are the children of her only daughter, the late Asuncion A. Mira, longtime treasurer of UB.
  5. Provindecia Gonzaga Visarra (1931-1933) – Providencia was a dentist by profession and an active Civic leader and First Lady of Atty. Genaro M. Visarra who became Mayor of Tagbilaran. Engr. Justiniano Gonzaga was her only brother. Her daughter Teresita V. Lapez, (widow of former Cong. Ramon Lapez) and her offsprings are the living heirs of Providencia.
  6. Julita Butalid Gallares (1934-1935) – “Iya Lita” as she was fondly called, was the 3rd of the Butalid sisters to sit as President of TWCI. She was an educator and the First Lady of Atty. Celestino Gallares as Mayor of Tagbilaran and then Governor of Bohol and Congressman. They had 3 children – Adelina G. Mayuga, Virginia G. Gallardo, and Edilberto “Ondoy” Gallares. As TWC President, she campaigned all throughout the province to grant Filipino women the right of suffrage, with her husband’s full support as Governor of Bohol.
  7. Petra Bumaat Borja (1936-1937) – The former Petra Bumaat was schooled in Manila and became an educator. She then married Gerardo Manigque Borja and raised 9 children. Two of her daughters would later on follow Nang Petra’s footstep and lead TWCI – Efigenia Borja Magaro and Enriqueta Borja Butalid, the current President. This Matriarch’s legacy to her family is her inherent and great love of our dear old Tagbilaran, teaching her brood to be involved in social, civic and religious activities and be of service to Tagbilaran!
  8. Gertrudis Torralba Derikito (1938-1941) – “Iya Uding” was an educator and Community Leader. She came from a big Tagbilaranon clan of the Torralbas and Borjas. She married Servillano Derikito, a U.S.-educated teacher, and raised 5 children – Dr. Nonoy, Dr. Quintin, Amy Jarin and Nene Sodusta. One of her granddaughters – Anne Mariquit Oppus has followed the footsteps of her Lola Uding and been actively involved in TWCI.
  9. Paz Rocha Suarez (1946-1952) – During the war, TWCI went into hiatus for 4 years. It was Paz Rocha, daughter of Catalina Fortich-Rocha, who resuscitated the Club, continuing the projects that were abandoned. Paz was married to Maj. Pablo Suarez and had 3 children – Ambassador Pablo R. Suarez, Jr., Erlinda(Sis. Paz), Teresita, and Gregorio.
  10. Placida Parras Inting (1953-1955) – Placida Parras was the daughter of then Tagbilaran Mayor Miguel Parras. She was an outstanding educator, civic and religious leader and later on became a member of the City Council. ‘Mam Placida was married to Atty. Bernardino Inting who represented Bohol in the 1935 Constitutional Convention. The couple had 4 children – Renato, Gilberto, Orseta Cabahug, Leonore Inting . Both Leonore and Dr. Pura S. Inting (wife of Atty. Rene INTING¬) are active members of TWCI to this day! ‘Mam Placida’s legacy to TWCI and to Tagbilaran was her indomitable spirit and strength, and her great wisdom as an educator and Community Leader.
  11. Mercedes Gatal Butalid (1956-1960) – Mercedes Gatal was an educator. She became the wife of Timoteo Butalid, Sr. who was then active in Tagbilaran’s local politics. The couple raised 3 sons – Atty. Rolando (who became Mayor of Tagbilaran and then Governor of Bohol), Timoteo Jr. who was a priest, and Benefiel the youngest son. As TWCI President, Mercedes reached out to Tagbilaran’s poor and underprivileged in providing maternity services thru TWCI’s Puericulture Center.
  12. Felicitas Butalid Belderol (1961-1971) – Felicitas Butalid was a Registered Nurse and a pioneer staff of Bohol Provincial Hospital. Later on, she served at the Tagbilaran Maternity and Puericulture Center, the City Health Office and the Provincial Health Office. Felicitas was married to Atty. Pedro Belderol, who became Mayor of Tagbilaran. The couple had 2 sons – Arthur and Peter, and an only daughter – Gemma B. Caunan. In her capacity as TWCI President, she elevated the health services and smooth operation of TWCI’s premier project – the Puericulture Center.
  13. Desamparados Lim Hontanosas (1972-1979) – Desamparados Lim married a budding lawyer from Dauis – Agapito Y. Hontanosas and took residence in Tagbilaran. Having lived here for a long time, her being a Tagbilaranon became a conviction even more when her husband became Governor of Bohol. Her union with Gov. Agapito produced 12 children and she and her husband raised them all as successful professionals. She received various awards and commendations as an outstanding mother.
  14. Efegenia Borja Magaro (1980-1981 ,1997-2000) – Efigenia, the 3rd daughter of 7th TWCI President Petra B. Borja, became the 12th president following her mother’s footsteps. She became the bride of a dashing PMA graduate – Col. Pablo Magaro, who later on became Mayor of Dimiao. Efie was an outstanding Actuarian. With her intelligence and professionalism, she served as President for 2 terms guiding TWCI to new heights.
  15. Brigida Barcinas Garay (1982-1983) – ‘Mam Dading was a consummate educator – dedicated teacher most loved by her students! She was my History teacher at BHS and I was one of her favorite students. She spent most of her professional life with the GSP Bohol Council as Chief Executive. She served as TWCI President diligently while being active in other civic and religious commitments. ‘Mam Dading was married to Clementino Garay and had 3 children – Virgilio Leoncio, Gerard and Maria Gemma G. Encabo.
  16. Virginia Gallares Gallardo (1984-1985, 1988-1995) – Manang Virgie was the dutiful daughter of Governor Celestino Gallares and TWCI past President Julita B. Gallares, following her mother’s footsteps. She was married to Maj. Melanio Gallardo and has an only daughter – Maria Socorro Gallardo Karaan. Nang Virgie was truly a dedicated Tagbilaranon. I remember her that time when I was still in College, she went around the homes of Tagbilaran’s past Mayors looking for their photos. She was working on putting a Memory Board of those Past Mayors to be displayed at the Munisipyo in one of the City’s Charter Day.
    Manang Virgie was a well-loved leader with an endearing sense of humor.
  17. Guillerma Mendoza Simpao (1985-1987) – Manang Guilly comes from an old Tagbilaranon family – the Mendoza and Bumaat clans. She finished her degree in Education at the Holy Ghost College in Manila. Her Grandfather Gaudencio Mendoza’s family donated the lot of the original Tagbilaran Public Market (now Agora Market) along Libertad St. fronting their ancestral house on the same street. Her parents were Jose F. Mendoza and Maria Bumaat. She married Felino Simpao, Jr., a Manileno, and had 8 children – Dindo, Cynthia, Edgar, Celeste Therese, Edmon, Edmar and Carlo. Guilly was a prolific writer and was active in civic/social groups and served the GSP Bohol Council for 25 years.
  18. Zosima Fama Fabiosa (1995-1996) – “Inse Memang” as she was fondly called by many, was an exemplary educator esteemed by peers and looked up to by her pupils. A very religious woman of impeccable character, that’s ‘Mam Memang! As a fitting testament to her excellence in her chosen profession, she was awarded as “Outstanding Teacher” in a nationwide search by the Metrobank Foundation.
    Inse Memang was born to Nicasio Fama and Cipriana Sarmiento with siblings Iming Manigque, Juaning Fama, Facuncia Borja, Charing Mision. She was married to Bonifacio C. Fabiosa, Sr. and had 7 children – Evelia, Fr. Magdaleno, Bonifacio Jr, Josefina, Jose, Elizabeth F. Palmer, and Jacinto.
  19. Aurora Lim Hontanosas (2001-2003) – Aurora was another daughter of a past TWCI President who followed her mother’s footsteps – Desamparados Hontanosas. She attained her degree in Business Administration at UE in Manila and worked at the COA, taught part time at HNU and UE. Back in Tagbilaran after retirement, she involved herself in many civic, social and religious activities. As TWCI President, it gave her the opportunity to develop the qualities and virtues of the ideal woman and fulfill her mission to serve the community. She also prided in the fact that she was among the first babies delivered at the Maternity and Puericulture Center.
  20. Leonora P. De la Torre (2004-2007) – ‘Mam Leonora Pamaong de La Torre was a very amiable and dedicated educator. She is the sister of former Vice Mayor of Tagbilaran – Luciano Pamaong. After retirement from teaching, she ventured into politics and was elected into the City Council for 3 terms. She was known to be an exemplary woman of substance and professional in her dealings with the community that gained her the respect from those that know her. She was married to Felipe E. de la Torre and had 8 children – Phillips Jose, Leo, Jake, Menalea, Alex, Felipe Jr, Leonora and Felnore.
  21. Idmila Calceta-Borja (2008-2017) – ‘Mam Idmila Calceta is an educator by profession, achiever and consistent honor student. She was born from an old Tagbilaranon family, her father being Carlos Calceta, Sr. and mother Basilisa Matig-a. She was married into the Borja family of Gerardo & Petra with son Florencio Borja, Sr. Their marriage is blessed with 6 children, all professionals – Jose Idencio, Florencio, Jr., Cynthia B. Paumig, Stela B. Montejo, Benedict and Marius. ‘Mam Mely is the 4th TWCI President from the Borja family – Petra B. Borja, Efigenia B Magaro, Enriqueta B. Butalid and Idmila C. Borja. As TWCI President for 10 years, her greatest achievement is incorporating the Club into a non-stock and non-profit association under the Securities And Exchange Commission on August 25, 2015. Through her efforts and strength of spirit as a leader, she managed to keep the affairs of TWCI afloat amidst a long arduous legal battle over the property owned by the Association. To date, she continues to stand behind TWCI guiding her sister-in-law Equet Butalid in achieving the goals of the Club.
  22. Enriqueta B. Butalid (2017-present) – Enriqueta Borja is the youngest daughter of Gerardo-Petra Borja. She was schooled at the Holy Ghost College in Manila with a Bachelor’s Degree in Music. She would have wanted to finish a master’s degree in Music Education but gave way to husband Rolly Butalid’s entry into Tagbilaran politics. She was married to fellow Tagbilaranon, then a young and dashing lawyer – Rolando Butalid – and became his First Lady as Tagbilaran Mayor, then as Governor of Bohol. Their marriage is blessed with 4 children – Dominic, Claire, Val and Tim. Equet has been honored as Bohol’s Patroness of the Arts with her love for music and the arts. She had promoted Bohol throughout the country and beyond, through her exemplary performances in piano and Choral competitions under her baton. Equet also shares her talents for free to the community and the church. As TWCI’s 22 President, she envisions to take control and rebuild the premier project of the old Tagbilaran Woman’s Club, The Maternity and Puericulture Center of Tagbilaran City.

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