Things to Know about Dental Braces
(Part 4)
This week, we shift our focus to speed braces.
So what are Speed Braces? About 30 years ago, speed braces were invented. This type of braces has friction-free brackets that are “self-ligating”.
What does this mean? It means that the braces allow the dentist to move the teeth and occlusion around in a fast and efficient way compared to metal and ceramic braces.
Self-ligating braces work by using spring clips with its bracket design to secure the wires into the brackets to rapidly and properly shift the patient’s teeth into place using the right amount of pressure.
Compared to regular ceramic or metallic braces, speed braces are 30 percent smaller than them. This type gives the patient quicker treatment to boot compared to the long-term treatment of other brace type such as Invisalign.
The clips of the speed brace guarantee a more efficient treatment that saves the patient time as it is more affordable than ceramic braces.
The springs of the speed brace are designed that they can maximize extremely light forces to move the teeth. The gums of your mouth and other soft tissues are going to be prone to swelling, pain, and irritation.
Additionally, speed braces correct malocclusion not only of the teeth but also the jaw.
As the name suggests, speed braces are known for shorter treatment times. This is because speed braces have fewer soft tissue complications, smooth and rounded bracket design, and friction-free brackets with controlled light forces to move your teeth to proper locations.
It takes 3 to 6 months for the self-ligating braces to do their job.
Next week, we are going to continue our discussion on dental braces and the types.