Argosy S. Nazareno
It is undeniable that the recent Mars exploration program that includes the rover Perseverance is a major milestone in human history. This is another “giant leap for man” moment for all of us. This would answer a lot of our questions about our red neighbor. But has this really affected us personally aside from the “goosebump moment” in seeing a robot roaming around another planet? Does this really contribute a lot for humanity as a whole?
Most of the people noticed that governments are spending billions of money for extraterrestrial missions while causing destruction to our home planet. We are spending large amounts of money on ventures outside our planet and yet fail to protect the environment & the people living in it.
Talking about extraterrestrials, this is not your typical conspiracy theory that has been going around recently. This is not a taboo anymore to be shunned. The truth must be discussed over and over again because such topics cannot penetrate due to the influence and resources of the wealthy influencers.
Top Governments recently divulged top secret information that they have been tracking extraterrestrial sightings very seriously. This has set the world abuzz. But the question is, are they hostile or just that we are the ones not hospitable? If they happen to be hostile, then you wouldn’t be reading this article by now. Clearly Human behavior towards any other species (on this planet & beyond) is the problem. We raise our eyebrows in anything that we see as a threat to our intelligence. If we think that a species or entity is more intelligent than us then we tend to brand them as a threat to our freedom, sovereignty, and interests.
The ego of the humans, the urge to dominate, is what maintains the distance between us. Even if we are all humans; race, religion, regions, etc., divides us. The past wars were testament of our divided spirit. That’s maybe the reason why these visitors are constantly monitoring to prevent us from self annihilation. Such behavior is the same as the intrusion of Developed Countries to events in developing countries like the Philippines.
Even Jesus Christ fell victim from the greediness of the humans and many other people whose intentions were genuine in keeping the peace. We never know if these things are the handiwork of the devil but to be fair to the non-religious, this is a normal human trait just like our animal instinct.
Social Media opened our eyes to the vast knowledge of cyberspace. Yet some platforms are undeniably controlled by large entities and corporations that feed us to what they want us to know, not what we need to know. Some mouths are shut by clandestine acts that is why we need not just a concerted effort but even our individual toil will ultimately feed a growing movement for equality and transparency.
Things will really be interesting after this pandemic. Such events will change the course of human history. We fervently hope that such things will create a stronger bond as humans and not a race for power and dominance over each other.