In order to inoculate 70% of Bohol’s population, it means the province needs around 1.9 million vaccine doses to reach herd immunity, according to the Philippine Information Agency’s (PIA) report released on Oct. 1, 2021.
Currently, Bohol‘s population is at 1,394329, based on the last census, which means the province needs to get around. 1.953 million anti-Coronavirus disease (Covid) vaccine doses in order to achieve herd immunity.
The figure comes from the fact that most of the vaccines have a 2-dose regimen, in order for a person to be deemed fully vaccinated. A person needs to get 2 doses of the vaccine given at varied intervals depending on the brand, the report bares.
In its report, on Oct. 1, 2021, the Provincial Health Office (PHO), the base of operations of the Provincial Vaccine Operation Center (PVOC) of the Bohol Inter Agency Task Force (BIATF) said that since March 6, 2021 when the first batch of vaccines arrived here, Bohol has since received 467,892 doses of the anti-Covid vaccines.
This is 1,484,168 vaccine doses short of the needed jabs for Bohol to reach the so-called herd immunity and render Covid as a manageable health threat.
Based on the latest data from the BIATF, around 182,612 Boholanos are deemed to be fully vaccinated since Mar. 6, 2021. This is only 13.09% of Bohol’s target population.
Another 180,757 Boholanos have been given their first doses, according to the BIATF.
Overall of the 467,892 vaccine jabs received, about 363,187 have been administered, the PHO said in its report. This also means that there are 104,705 doses left in the province’s inventory.
According to health experts, Covid cases in Bohol might decline if the province is able to inoculate at least 30% of its population.
With a 30% vaccination rate, communities can start to see less emergence of new cases as consequently the prevalence of hospitalizations and deaths related to Covid will start to decline, according to the PIA report.
The government, owing to the scarcity of the vaccines, decided to ask local government units (LGU) to prepare priority lists to make sure the vaccines are given first to those who are in need.
The priority list is based on those who are highly exposed to the disease such as medical and health front liners. Vaccines are also given first to vulnerable sectors such as senior citizens, people with co-morbidities and those who work in essential services to allow the economy to operate even amid the pandemic.
After reaching the 30% goal, the next challenge is to inoculate 50% of the general population, which is around 697,154 Boholanos.
The idea of herd immunity stems from the notion that immune people are less likely to transmit the virus to non-vaccinated people, thus ensuring low cases or lower incidence of the disease sffecting people that may lead to hospitalization or death.
As far as Covid is concerned, herd immunity can be achieved if 70% of the population of a given community has been immunized.