Myths and facts about mRNA Covid vaccine
We continue in our column this week our presentation of some “MYTHS and FACTS” about the Coronavirus disease (Covid) vaccines. Our first discussion of this topic was met by various comments from our readers and we feel elated about their responses to the column. Thank you!
Here now are additional “MYTHS and FACTS” regarding the subject in focus:
- Myth – the “messenger ribonucleic acid” (mRNA) technology used to create Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines is brand new so it is an untested technology.
Fact – the mRNA technology has been around for at least 20 years now. It has been two (2) decades since its discovery. In fact vaccine manufacturers have been using the mRNA technology to create vaccines quickly in response to new pandemics like the one we are fighting now, Covid – 19.
- Myth – Covid vaccines contain substances that are toxic to the human body.
Fact – We need to understand that the two mRNA-based Covid vaccines contain mRNA and other usual vaccine contents. The other contents of the vaccine are fats that protect the mRNA, adjuvant salts and a small amount of sugar. These salts, fats and sugar are normally found in our body. Introducing minuscule amount of these substances will not harm our body.
- Myth – It has been said that mRNA vaccines contain dead fetal tissues and tracking device.
Fact – The two mRNA vaccines do not contain any fetal materials. They have not been developed using fetal tissue. They do not contain any microchips or implants that can be used to track anyone who is/who has been inoculated.
- Myth – There are also stories saying that now that we have the mRNA technology, we can now make vaccines against HIV and the common cold.
Fact – The fact is: developing a vaccine for HIV is very challenging. The virus called HIV or the human immunodeficiency virus which causes the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) can hide, making itself undetectable by our immune system. Because of this property of the virus, developing a vaccine against HIV is extremely challenging. Common cold, on the other hand, is caused by several hundred viruses. Creating a vaccine targeted to address just one class of virus is impractical since a person can still catch cold via other virus classes.Remember, six billion doses of Covid vaccines have already been given to 3 billion people around the world. For people who are still skeptical on Covid vaccine and are still waiting for more data, what data are you waiting for, by the way? The data are already in. We have already vaccinated almost half of the world population. This fact alone is more than enough for you NOT TO WORRY about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine against Covid. Please, submit yourself to vaccination. The next life you may save might be yours.