ni: Jes B. Tirol
Bagyubágyo 10, 2021
Mga Lugpong sa Sakit, Apán ug Balatian
(Terms for Diseases, Defects and Pains)
Ika-1 Bahin/ Part 1
Si Ginong Jean Mallat, usa ka Pransis nga dumudúong dinhi sa Pilipinas, nagsulat og basahon kabahin sa Pilipinas sa tuig 1844. Nag-ingon siya nga daghan ang mga mananambal nga Urupanhon nga mianhi sa Pilipinas aron sa pagkat-on sa mga paagi sa atong mga mananambal.
Daghan silang nakat-onan dinhi sa Pilipinas tungod kay ang mga tanom nga atong gigamit dinhi lang makaplagan sa Pilipinas.
Apan karong panahona ang atong mga mananambal nakakat-on lamang sa panambal nga gikan sa mga Amerikano. Ang atong mga tulunghaan wala magtudlo sa panambal nga lumad dinhi sa atong dapit. Ang mga Insik nagtudlo sa ilang lumad ug ang langyaw nga pagpanambal.
Ang sangpotanan mao nga nakalimot na kita nga ang mga sakit, mga apan, ug mga balatian sa tawo nga karon ato lang nahibaloan sa Ininglis, aduna diay kitay mga ngalan o lugpong sa Binisaya. Mao kini karon ang atong tukibon. Tungod kay daghan man kini, ato kini silang bahin- bahinon.
Mga Lugpong
1. abdominal pain – sakit sa diyan, suol sa tiyan
2. abort (abort the foetus) – balukad, kuilid, láglag, tdkiak, hilog. suib
3. abscess1 (collection of pus) – tamanhik.
4. abscess2 (large boil) – hubág, tamanhik
5. abscess3 – 1. (boul, pustule) huhág. 2. (large skin ulcer) kabahong, tabaghak 3. ( a type without opening) – busangbusang. 4. (very large boil without outlet) báos. 5. (small boil) bútoy
6. absent-minded (as a sickness) – pitsóna. Syn. bangkong, bungów, rambulingaw
7 abstemious (eat little)-timitimi
8. abstinence1 (from coitus) – angot-angot
9. abstinence2 (refrain from) – pamuasa
10. ache1 (headache) – labad
II. ache2 (muscle) – pamáol
12. ache3 (pain) – sakit, suol, ul-ol
13. acrophobia (fear of high places) – sawan, sawanon
14. addict1 (drug addict) – bulingot
15. addict2(to alcoholic drinks) – palahubog. Syn.palainom
16. addict3 (to any kind of drink, as coffee) – giyan. Syo. sugapa
17. ADHD – húgsaw. See: Attention Deficit Hyper-activity Disorder
18. adynamia (lack of strength) – hawóy, lapoy, Idylay, walay umoy
19. afflict – ilaid, antos sa balatian. Syn sakit
20. aggravate a sickness – dúkloy
21. agonize1 (struggle) – hanot, tinga, hingutás
22. agonize2 (to be dying)-huya, higwaós
23. ague (fever) – takig
24. AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) kurangráng (Note: “kurang” = lesbian to
lesbian or homosexual to homosexual relationship]
25. albescent (become whitish) – pugis, nagkaputi. Syn. dag, hawób
26. albino (is white due to lack of pigmentation) – hága, tumabo, albino (Sp.). Syn. hawób, anís-is, pugis
27. alcoholic (addicted to liquors) – palahubog. Syn. palainom
28. allergic poisoning – lánag
29. allergic reaction (rashes) – dupáng, lipághà, lipáků
30. allergy (red rashes on skin) – álan, dalipungå
31. almost cured (wound) – alinapóg, ayo-dyo, búni
32. almost lost the vision – nganapkánap. Syn. hap, hálap
33. alpha-female (dominant female) – tubís. Ant. mutong
34. alpha-male (dominant male in a group) – mutong. Syn. hawód, tubis
35. Alzheimer’s disease – bangkong. Syn.bangkog, pitsona
36. ambisexual (hermaphrodite) – sibinsibinan, sipingan, duhay kiye
37. ament (mentally deficient) – kuwangkuwáng
38. amentia (temporary mental confusion) – tarantar (Sp.), wulos. Syn. lipong, libog
39. amnesia (memory loss) – wagsip, limot, amnésya (Sp.), walay pamumdoman. Syn. damúrhaw
40. ampule; ampoule – bitlig
41. amputee (leg or arm is cut) – púngkol, paing
42. anabatic (increase as fever) – dáhan, dúkloy, samót
43. anabiosis (resuscitate) – ulián, mádmad
44. anemia (kind of sickness) – anémya (Sp.), kaambangól, kalungsi
45. anemic (lacking in ardor) – lágnaw, lágnaw og dugô, kalungsihón
46. aneurysm (a dilation of the wall of an artery) – búdlot
47. angina (kind of disease) – anghina (Sp.). Syn. tikúkà
48. anhydrate (dehydrate) – sálot, sawot, sáwt
49. anile (feeble minded) – balulong
50. aniseikonia (visual disorder in which the image perceived by the eyes is not the same size)
51. anodyne (soothing) – makahumpay
52. anorexia (no appetite) – bandáng, walay gána
53. anosmia (loss of the sense of smell) – búhod
54. anteversion (the turning forward of the uterus) – nabali ang taguangkan, nabali ang matris (Sp)
55. antidote (as medicine) – dapót
56. antipyretic (medicine to allay fever) –tambal sa hilanat
57. antisepsis (sterile; no germs) – hákas
58. antiseptic (preventing putrefaction) – panghákas
59. antitoxin – suby, památok sa hilo, súmpà sa hilo
60. aphagia (loss of the power to swallow) – dili makatulon
61. aphasia (loss of speech due to disorders in the cerebral centers) – nahimut-ok
62. aphonia (loss of voice due organic cause) – paós
63. aplacental (no placenta) – waláy inúnlan
64. aplasia (arrested development) – atás, na dupóng
65. appendectomy (removal of appendix) – abis sa dúgang sa tinai
66. appetite, no (anorexia) – bandáng, walay gána
67. aqueous humor1 (fluid in the eye) – daliláso
68. aqueous humor2 (fluid from dead body) –ságo
69. arsenic (white/red sulfide of arsenic) – batikos
70. arteriosclerosis (the hardening of the interior walls of an artery)- alibútgan sa bago
71. artery; vein – bagó. a.) bagó paágas – artery; b.) bagó pabalik = vein
72. arthritis (inflammation of a joint) – reyúma (Sp)
73. artificial insemination (impregnation of a female without sexual contact) – duláp nga dusáng
74. aseptic (no germs) – waláy kágaw. Syn. hákas
75. asexual (no sex) – waláy kiyé
76. asphyxiate (drown; suffocate) – lumós, punod
77. asthenia (lack of bodily strength) – lápoy, hawóy, láylay. Syn. lúya, kalúya
78. asthma (a chronic respiratory disorder) – húbak, hikáb. Syn. kúgtas
79. astigmatic – astigmátiko (Sp.), tambilagáwon
80. astigmatism (a defect of the lens of the eye) – astigmatika (Sp.), tambilagáw
81. astomatous (without a mouth) – waybâbâ
82. astringent1 (astringent substance) – sagupala
83. astringent2 (tending to contract) – makakupós, makakipos
84. atrabilarian (a hypochondriac) – mabalák-on sa panglawás
85. atrabilious (melancholy) – masulób-on, subo
86. atrophy1 (dehydrate) – lunós, hugô
87. atrophy2 (due to sickness) – sálot, sawt, sawót
88. atrophy3 (withering) – apiyog
89. Attention Deficit Hyper-activity Disorder (ADHD] – húgsaw. Syn. batód, karáw, langás
90. auscultation (the act of listening, as with a stethoscope, for sounds in the chest) – sulingóg
91. autism (tends to daydream) – kulido
92. autistic (with mental queerness)-gikulidó, kulidohón
93. autogamous (capable of self-fertilization) – makasúbol-únay. Syn, talágtag
94. autogamy (self-fertilization, as flower from its own pollen) – súbol-únay95. avitaminosis (vitamin deficiency) – hitál