Bohol Tribune


ni: Jes B. Tirol

Bagyubágyo 24, 2021

Mga Lugpong sa Sakit, Apán ug Balatian

(Terms for Diseases, Defects and Pains)

Ika-3 Bahin/ Part 3


Ang mga pulong sa Ininglis alang sa mga sakit, apán, ug balatian nga nagsugod sa titik “C”

mokapin sa 200 ka gatos nga adunay tumbas sa Binisaya. Dili kiní nátò makausa pagpatik, busà

atò kining bahinon

Ania ang unang bahin sa Ininglis nga nagsugod sa titik “C”.

Mga Lugpong

1. cachexia (bad health) – lapuso

2. cacoethes (addiction or mania) – kahúngog, húngog

3. caducity (senility) – tinigúlang, tinigúwang. Syn. angúangó

4. caducous (as falling hair)–húnhon, húghog

5. caesarian operation (deliver a child by surgery) – huób, disdis pagpahimúgsö

6. caisson disease (bends, sudden decompression) – talumusákit

7. callipygian (having beautiful buttocks) – pískay og sámpot

8. callus (hardened skin) – kúbal, kúhaw

9. calvities (baldness on top or back of the head) – úldog, kaúldog, pagkaúldog

10. cancer (the disease) – karangá, baláha, kanser (Sp.), Syn, báhak, balahak, sará

11. cancerous – karangáhon, balaháon, kanserón (Sp.)

12. carbuncle inflammation like a boil) – báos. Syn. baóg, bunól

13. carcinoma (malignant tumor) – batál. Syn. búdlo

14. cardiac arrest (heart attack) – hámpak sa hanging itom, ataki sa kasingkasing

15. cardialgia (heartburn)-bidli Syn luod, ngilngig

16. carditis (inflammation of the heart) – paghubág sa kasingkasing

17. caries (decay of bone or teeth) – túdtód

18. carminative (a remedy for flatulence) – támbal sa butód sa tiyán

19. carsick (nauseated for riding a car) – dagát, gidagát

20. catamenia (menstruation) – dugô, régla (Sp.)

21. cataplasm (poultice) – tampós, táp-os, hampól

22. cataract (eye ailment) – bulóg, tagumatá, kugita sa mata

23. catarrh (inflammation of mucous membrane) – húpong sa lamád sa sip-on

24. catatonia (type of schizophrenia causing by stupor) – himbig. Syn. híkbaw

25. catharsis (purgation) – púrga (Sp.)

26. causalgia (a burning pain, such as injuries to the nerves) – hápdos

27. cauterize (to sear) – gipasóan

28. cautery (burn the flesh) – pásò, pasóan

29. cenesthesia (a diffused internal awareness) – kánay

30. cenogenesis (development in which an individual is different from its group) – sumát

31. cerebellum (rear part of the brain) – tangkugoán 

32. cerebral palsy (paralysis due to a damage in the brain) – bilbil sa útok

33. cerebrum (part of the brain that is the seat of conscious processes) – salabotán

34. cesarean section (cesarean operation; method of birthing by operation) – dásdas, yásyas,


35. chemotherapy (treatment of diseases using chemicals) – panámbal-kemikál

36. chicken pox1 (a kind of contagious disease; varicella) – hanggà. Syn. dap, dálap

37. chicken pox2 (benign and whitish) – datî

38. chicken pox rashes (minor kind of chicken pox) – silungsilong

39. childbirth (parturition) – nganák, himúgsö

40. childbirth pain (labor) – batî

41. chill1 (due to fever) – tákig, hitakig, ulapi

42. chill2 (shiver) – halúmhom, kibigkibig

43. chimera (absurd imagination) – tagin-op. Syn. pantásya (Sp.)

44. chincough (whooping cough) – sagúysoy. Syn. dalúydoy

45. cholera (kind of sickness) – suka-kalibáng, kalibáng og dugô, kolera (Eng.)

46. choleric (easily angered) – pungtánon, sungotán, masuk-ánon. Syn. putong

47. chorea (St. Vitus’ dance) – kiwi

48. chronic1 (continuing for a long period) – dúgay, lúngtad

49. chronic2 (habitual sickness) – dukloy

50. chronic3 (lingering, recurrent) – kanúnay. Syn. láygay

51. cicatrix (scar) – páli, ulat, uwát. Syn, kirát, pahák

52. circumcise1 (remove the prepuce) – bungol, islam

53. circumcise2 (split the prepuce) – túli

54. circumcise3 (the hanging cut prepuce) – pitáy

55. circumcised – tinuli

56. circumcision1 (act of circumcising) – túli, gitúli, pagtúli. Ant. pisot

57. circumcision2 (reverting to uncircumcised condition after healing) – tambaúli, ulibálay

58. cirrhosis (a disease of the liver) – pamaga sa atay

59. cirsotomy (incision of varicose veins) – dísdis-gakútgakot

60. clammy (cold to the touch) – kámig, nangámig

61. claudicant (limping; lame) – kiáng, kímpang. Syn. bakol

62. claustrophobia (morbid fear of confined places) – lubát sa masigpit

63. clear eyesight – tin-aw ang tinan-awan

64. cleft palate (harelip) – bungî

65. cleptomania (See: kleptomania) – kumit

66. clinic (medical) — bulongán; klinika (Sp.). Syn. tambalanan, alimán

67. clipped-ear (ears cut-off or folded at top) – pahóng. Syn. giláy, gilang

68. clitoris, malcondition of – bilanggà

69. clonus (kind of muscular spasm in rapid contraction and relaxation) – kiwi. Syn. kirig

70. close a wound1 (almost healed) – búni. Syn. álim

71. close a wound2 (by stitching) – pilot, pikot

72. clot (as blood) – ápol. Syn. ingli

73. cloy (surfeit) – kimô-kimô, gúshan. Syn. tágbaw, púl-an, busóg, láktok, láto

74. clubfoot (distorted foot; talipes) – lúngki. Syn. kiáng, kímpang, lúlid, tingkò75. clubhanded (distorted hand) – mangkò, kimáy, pingkáw

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