A Boholana police officer has been recognized as one of the country’s top woman police officers, according to reports released on Oct. 25, 2021
Lt. Col. Maribel Getigan is named as one of the 10 Outstanding Policewomen of the Philippiness (TOPWP).
Getigan, 49, is a native of President Carlos P. Garcia, Bohol, according to reports.
Getigan, who used to be a teacher, realized that she would be able to serve the public as a police officer.
In 1997, she entered the police force as a non-commissioned officer.
In 1998, she entered the Philippine National Police Academy as a cadet and later graduated from the Bachelor of Science course in Public Safety in 2000.
On August 9, 2017, Getigan received the award for the Best Regional Human Rights Desk during the 116th Police Service Anniversary.