An Interior and Local Government key official here in Bohol has asked local government units (LGU) to fast track the uploading of their vaccination data to the proper website.
The call issued by Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Provincial Director Jerome Gonzales came immediately after alleged fake travel documents were submitted to the system that Bohol provincial government has put in place to screen travelers coming into the province.
The DILG’s call became more relevant when Gov. Arthur Yap issued Executive Order No 52, series of 2021.
The said EO lifted the requirement of presenting a negative real time-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test result for fully vaccinated individuals entering Bohol.
Obtaining the said test has proved costly to travelers as in some private hospitals and clinics, an RT-PCR test can cost as high as P3,800 per person.
It has been noted, according to the report of the Philippine Information Agency (PIA) that some LGU allegedly failed to encode the vaccination records on time.
According to the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT), vaccination information are supposed to be encoded and uploaded to a DICT-created portal which is
However, there are LGUs which lack manpower and resources, which has appeared as the main reason for the delay in the uploading of vaccination data to the DICT.
In this regard, Gonzales said LGUs must fast track the data encoding as people need their data which will be part and parcel of their travel documents.