ni: Jes B. Tirol
Bagyubágyo 31, 2021
Mga Lugpong sa Sakit, Apán ug Balatían
(Terms for Diseases, Defects and Pains)
Ika-4 Bahin/ Part 4
Atong padayónon ang pagtála ang mga lugpong sa Binisayâ alang sa mga sakit, apán, ug balatian nga nagsugod sa Ininglis nga “coadunate” hangtod sa “convulsive fit”.
Mga Lugpong
1. coadunate (closelyjoined) – sikit
2. coagulate1 (blood clot) – ápol
3. coagulate2 (stop blood flow) – táng-on, támpoy
4. coagulum (any coagulated mass) – nabágtok, namaki
5. coccyx (the small triangular bone at the caudal end of the spine) – igút-igót
6. cochlea (a spiral tube in the internal ear) – kilikós sa dalúnggan
7. cockeye (a squinting eye) – hiyong, ngiyong. Syn. kisdong, ngiyaw, ngijaw
8. cockeyed1 (exophoria; temporary) – suliráw, sulimaw
9. cockeyed2 (exotropia, permanent) – manókon, dúlos. Syn. libál
10. cold1 (feverish due to onset of infection) – sibaw
11. cold2 (infection) – síp-on. Syn. bisukot
12. cold3 (to feel cold even with high fever) – kadál, hilákig, tákig. Syn. kibigkibig
13. cold pack (cold, wet wrappings around the body as means of therapy) – limis
14. cold sore (herpes labialis) – tagmaya, kayuáng. Syn. ugáhip
15. cold sweat (to perspire even with normal body temperature) – paningót og búgnaw
16. colectomy (the excision of the colon) – pagdísdis sa binton
17. colic1 (acute abdominal pain) – suól
18. Colic2 – (body pain) – panuhól, dampilay, pásmo. Syn. pamáol
19. colitis (colonitis; inflammation of the colon) – tilitól. Syn, túyob
20. collapse (lost consciousness) – utás, kúyap, kayhangnádi
21. collyrium (eyewash) – hugás sa mata
22. colon (large intestine) – bintón, dakong tiná-i
23. color–blind (affected with color blindness) – bulók
24. color–blindness (inability to distinguish certain chromatic colors; daltonism) – pagkabulók
25. colostomy (making an artificial anus by operation in the colon) – maculápon nga lubót
26. colostrum (beestings; the first milk of a mammal after giving birth) – gok
27. colotomy (incision of the colon) – disdis-bintón
28. colpitis (vaginitis) – tuwáy, tuwayón
29. coma (unconscious) – kaw-óy, duwag-ot. Syn, kutáng, utás
30. comatose (in a coma or unconsciousness) – duwag-ot, kaw-oy
31.communicable (infectious) – manakód, makatakód, mananákod
32. co-morbidity (another sickness) – laing sakit
33. compos mentis (Lat:of sound mind) – hangkagón
34. concupiscent (lustful) – bigáon, uwagán, ulagan
35. concussion (a violent shaking, especially to the brain) – bangóg
36. condom (a sheath for the penis) – báyna sa kinatáwo
37. congenital (inborn) – dáan sa pagkatáwo, apil sa iyang pagkatáwo
38. congested nose (as having colds) – bin-ot
39. conglutinate (to reunite by adhesion, as wound) – alinapóg. Syn. alim
40. conjoin (connect; unite) – undáyon. Syn. lingkit
41. conjunctivitis (inflamation of the mucous membrane of the eye) – milâmila
42. conniption (a fit of hysteria; rage) – nikulísiw. Syn. alipúndak
43. consanguineous (of the same ancestry) – kabánay, ig-ának
44. consanguinity (blood relationship) – ig-ának. Syn. kadúgó
45. conscience (moral discrimination) – tánlag
46. conscientious objector (conchy) – lamúkay, bágbag, pákno, pilosopó (Sp.), pangundiye Syn. salingáw, masukihon
47. consumptive1 (affected with pulmonary tuberculosis) – súgpaón, itikahón (Sp.), tisíso (Sp.), tisikó (Sp.)
48. contagion (communication of disease by direct or indirect contact) – tákboy, panakód
49. contagious (transmissible by contact, as diseae) – mananakod, makatakód, tumatakod
50. contagium (the specific substance by which a disease is transmitted) – tagtakód
51. contaminate (infect others) – tákboy. Syn. báhig
52. contaminate (with bad odor) —hágom
53. contaminated1 (complicated with another disease; polluted with) – bilahan
54. contaminated2 (dirty) – húgaw
55. contaminated3 (infected) – tákdan, takbóyan
56. contamination (pollution) – paghágom. Syn. paghugaw
57. contamination (the act of contaminating) – pagtakód, pagtákboy
58. continence (self-restraint) – pugong, pugong sa kaugalingon, angót-abgót
59. contraception (deliberate prevention of conception) – pagbátok-sámkon
60. contraceptive (can prevent pregnancy)- batok-sámkon, kontraseptibo (Sp.)
61. contract (shrink) – kûkó, ük-ok
62. contracture (a permanent contraction of the muscles) – kinol. Syn. kiwi
63. contraindicate (the danger posed by a certain drug) – hinganib sa támbal
64. contuse (to bruise) –pángos. Syn pál-ot, lánggos
65. contusion (unbroken injured skin) – bun-óg. Syn. giálon, bunól, alálom, pangós
66. convalesce (recover good health) – apyóg
67. convalescence (gradual recovery from illness) – anat-ánat . Syn. dukáy
68. convalescent (recovering from sickness) – apyogón
69. convergent strabismus (both eyes turn inward; cross-eyed) – libát, duling. Ant. dú manókon (both eyes turn outward)
70. convulse (to affect with violent movement, shake) – kiróg. Syn. kúrog
71. convulsion (involuntary contraction of muscles) – kutang. Syn. luóm, utás
72. convulsionary (affected with convulsion) – matupáyon, makutángon
73. convulsive fit – tupáy, sáwan