Gov. Arthur C. Yap

Gov. Arthur Yap reiterates his support to members of the media amid his legal battle against a newspaper editor/radio station manager, and 2 others.

He made the statement in a radio interview over Open Forum on Nov. 1, 2021, hosted by Ardy Araneta-Batoy and Dave Albarado.

He said that he welcomes the responsible media as the latter is a partner of government in bringing meaningful information to the people.

It can be recalled that Yap filed in Sept. 2021, a case of inciting to sedition against Peter Dejaresco, Dan Neri Lim and Emmanuel Ramasola.

Yap insisted that his case against the 3 individuals is not an attack against the media, which is known as the 4th estate.

The governor quipped that the complaint he filed against the 3 respondents should not be construed as an attack against the entire media institution. He only limited his charges against the 3 respondents and did not file any charges against radio commentators who are also engaging in black propaganda against the governor.

Yap pointed out that he only filed the case because for nearly 2 years, he was subjected to black propaganda and fake news allegedly coming from the respondents.