ni: Jes B. Tirol
Diyotay 7, 2021
Mga Lugpong sa Sakit, Apán ug Balatían
(Terms for Diseases, Defects and Pains)
Ika-5 Bahin/ Part 5
Atong padayónon pagtála ang mga lugpong sa Binisayâ alang sa mga sakit, apán, ug balatian nga nagsugod sa Ininglis nga “copious ” hangtod sa “cystotomy“.
Mga Lugpong
1. copious (ample; abundant) – dasál. Syn. dághan, dagáyà, hupóng
2. copious flow (as spring) – busagák, buhágay. Syn. búl-og, búgwak
3. copralalia (compulsive utterance of obscene words) — gimo. Syn. himalikás
4. copremia (blood poisoning due to feces) – kamandag sa dugó
5. copulate (sexual act) – lambang, kayat, iyot, lais
6. corium (inner part of skin)-dalinók. Syn. pánit
7. cornea1 (membrane of the eye) – gabón-gabón
8. cornea2 (splotch in the cornea) – bili
9. coronal suture (the suture or crack-like joint of the skull) – ligtak. Syn. luták
10. coronary thrombosis (stoppage of blood supply to the heart) – támpoy sa bago-paágas sa kasingkasing
11. corpse (dead body) – minatáy, patayng láwas
12. corpulent1 (bulky body) – súpang
13. corpulent2 (chest; waist, and hips are same size) – hunáyon. Ant. tiwó, tinggo
14. corpulent3 (fat body)– támbok. Ant. niwang, sápsing
15. corpulent4 (robust) – himsog. Ant. daót
16. corpuscle (a protoplasmic granule of distinct shape or characteristic) – dalinog
17. cortex (in animals, the outer layer of various organs) – lamád
18. costotomy (surgical operation of cutting the ribs) – pagdisdis sa gúsok
19. cough1 (as those choked) – tika
20. cough2 (dry cough) – údhak
21. cough3 (general term) – ubó
22. cough4 (paroxysmal cough) – hútoy
23. cough5 (persistent cough) – dalúydoy
24. Cough6 (productive cough) – kulihad
25. cough7 (rattling or hollow) – hagálhal, lagháy
26. cough8 (snorting cough) – ígham
27. cough9 (strong cough) – balúkay
28. cough10 (whooping cough) – sagúysoy, kalúykoy
29. counteract (as antidote) – dápot. Syn. súmpà, súmpo
30. counterirritant (an agent employed to excite irritation in one place to counteract the the irritation in another place) – súhong-pangátol
31. couvade (the husband experience the pica when the wife is conceiving) – námkon, bána ang manámkon. Syn. ngálà
32. coxalgia (pain in the hip) – úl-ol sa bát-ang
33. crab–armed (the elbow protrudes to the side) – singkaw, singkol
34. crackbrain (weak-minded person) – kuwang-kuwáng, kulangkulang
35. cramp1 (muscular contraction, myalgia) – bikog, hímbig, pangiwi, piking, kalámbre (Sp.)
36. cramp2 (sleeping of muscle) – binhod
37. craniotomy (an operation of the skull for brain surgery) – pagdísdis sa bungo
38. cranium (skull) – bagulbágol, bungo
39. crapulence (sickness caused by drinking or eating too much) – gúshan. Syn. láktok,
40. crazed (insaned, maddened) – gibúang, nabúang
41. créche (a foundling asylum) – butigawan
42. cretin (malformed person)- ál-al. Syn. balaghál
43. cretinism (a disease associated with thyroid deficiencies that results into physical deformities) – giál-al
44. crick (a painful spasm of the muscles of the neck) – tikig
45. cripple1 (due to broken bones) – piáng
46. cripple2 (due to deformity) – Iúlid
47. cripple3 (lame) – bakól
48. cripple4 (limping) – kiáng
49. crippled hand – kimáy
50. crippled wrist – pingkaw
51. crocked (drunk) – hubóg, nahubóg. Syn. langô, bangóg
52. crookback (hunchback) –búktot Syn tampuhóng
53. crooked leg–tingkò. Syn. lúngki
54. crossbirth (abnormal presentation of fetus before birth) – údom. Syn. suhi
55. cross–eyed1 (in only one eye) – lising
56. cross–eyed2 (strabismus, esotropia) – libát, duling, lising, balísing. Syn. dúlos, manókon, sulimaw
57. cry4 (incessant crying of baby due to sickness) – dánggà
58. cry5 (involuntary falling of tears due to poignant memories) – ambíaw, lúgok, lúgmaw
59. cry6 (shed tears) – hilak, iyak, íjak
60. cryptomnesia (mental condition where old ideas and experiences appears as completely new) – láb-as nga tagin-op
61. curable (can be cured) – matambálan, maayo, matabáng. Syn. maalim, mahupáy
62. curative (having the power to cure) – makasyo. Syn. makaalim
63. cure1 (apply medicine) – támbal, tambálan, búlong
64. cure2 (heal) – ayo
65. cure3 (healing of wound) – álim
66. cure5 (restore to former self) – ulián
67. cure7 (wound almost cured) – alinapóg
68. curmudgeon (temperamental) – sapoton
69. cut (bruise) – pangós
70. cut the ear1 (identification mark)- giláy, giláng
71. cut the ear2 (remove) – pahóng
72. cut the lip (especially by teeth) – tûtô
73. cyclothymia (mild psychosis characterized by frequent fluctuations of mood) – sumpongon
74. Cyst1 (abnornal sac on the body)- buktól, lisúglisóg, sungkil
75. Cyst2 (sebaceous cyst, atheroma) — sungkil
76. cystic (of, like, or containing cyst) – buktolón, sunkilón
77. cystitis (inflammation of the bladder) – húpong sa pántog
78. cystoid (shaped like a cyst) – malabuktól
79. cystotomy (cutting into the bladder) – disdis sa pántog