BOOSTING INB’S AGRI OUTPUT. Mayor Roygie Jumamoy (photo 1) welcomes personnel from the Bureau of Soil and Water Management (BSWM) under the Department of Agriculture (DA) (photo 2) led by Engineer II Jemar Aquid (photo 3). This event took place on Nov. 16, 2021 at the Inabanga Gym where the focus was on the briefing and orientation of the ₱24 million Small Water Impounding Project (SWIP) in Liloan Sur, Inabanga. Present in the said activity were the municipal officials (photo 4) and 50 members of the Liloan Farmers Association (photo 5) led by its president, Felipe Celmar. After the event, BSWM-DA together with teamINABANGA conducted a site inspection (photo 6). The project which is funded by the BSWM-DA was previously awarded to a Manila-based contractor who did not finish it. This time it will be teamINABANGA which will be handling its construction. The SWIP conceptualized by teamINABANGA in 2015 and endorsed by the said association, is a water supply system which aims to further sustain the growing agricultural needs of the barangay and its neighbouring farmlands. The project aims to irrigate 60-80 hectares of rice lands that will boost the agricultural output of the municipality. (Inabanga Communications and News Service / ICoNS)