Bohol Tribune


ni: Jes B. Tirol

Diyotay 28, 2021

Mga Lugpong sa Sakit, Apán ug Balatian

(Terms for Diseases, Defects and Pains)Ika-8 Bahin/ Part 8


Atong padayonon pagtála ang mga lugpong sa Binisaya alang sa mga sakit, apán, ug balatían nga nagsugod sa Ininglis nga “emunctory” hangtod sa “exotropia“.

Mga Lugpong 

1. emunctory lusáy. Syn. pámlog, pámog, til-og 

2. encephalitis lethargica (sleeping sickness) – bungantúlog. Syn. hingatúlgon 

3. encyst (become enclosed in a cyst) – nabuktól, nalisúglisóg, nasungkil 

4. endemic (peculiar to a place) — ságad, ságad sa dapit, sábog, sábog sa dapit 

5. endermic (absorbed through the skin) – tuhóp sa pánit 

6. enfeeble (make weak) – paglúya, paghúyang 

7. engorge (swallow greedily) – hábhab, lámon. Syn. tukób 

8. enjoy the food tágbaw 

9. enjoy the tastetagámtam, lamián 

10. enlargement of the heart (sickness) – bahúyon 

11. ennui (feel bored) – láay, gilaayan, taká, kataka. Syn. bangá, budlay, dayúday 

12. enteritis (inflammation of small intestine) – paghúpong sa ilugón 

13. enthuse dásig, higálam, palábi, pasulábi, patúyang, súlab, tábog 

14. enthusiasm kasibot, kadásig, kagana (Sp.) 

15. entopic (situated in its proper place) – nahiluna 

16. entrails (guts) – sulod sa ginhawaan, kalikyuán, kalig-ikán. Syn. tinai 

17. epicanthus (a fold in the eyelid) – pikót 

18. epicarp (outer layer) – pánit. Syn. umagak 

19. epicure (gourmet) – tamasa 

20. epidemic1 (widespread illness) – dámat 

21. epidemic2 (with many deaths) – kamatay 

22. epidermis (skin) – pánit 

23. epigastric region – baba sa atáy. Syn. kutúkutó 

24. epilepsy (a cerebral disorder) – pátol 

25. epileptic (affected with epilepsy) – patolón 

26. epileptic fit (convulsion) –kayhangnádi, gipátol 

27. epiphora (slimy humor running from the eyes) – lángit. Syn. milâmilâ 

28. epistaxis (nosebleed) – súnggo, gisnga 

29. equanimity (calmness) – kalinaw sa buot 

30. eradicate (destroy utterly) – púo, púdlong. Syn. púhag 

31. erect (stand straight) – túyhad, tisár (Sp.) 

32. erection of penisutóg 

33. erotic kigál, kigalón. Syn, ulagan, uwagán 

34. eruct (belch) – túg-ab, tig-ab. Syn dúl-ay, digwà 

35. eructate nitúg-ab (singular), mitúg-ab (plural), hingtúg-ab (indeterminate

36. erupt1 (of measles, smallpox) – hígsà 

37. erupt2 (of tumor) – hidláng, tidli

38. erysipelas (tumid inflamation) – apóy, ugáhap 

39. erythrocyte (red corpuscle of the blood) – dalinog pula 

40. escalate1 (increase) – dahan, dúgang, samót 

41. escalate2 (slowly increase) – sikamsíkam, inánay og túbò 

42. esculent (suitable for food) – sagibún-on, lagútmon. Syn. kalán-on, makaon, dúma 

43. esotropia; strabismus (cross-eyed) – libát, duling. Syn. manókon 

44. esthesia (sensibility) – makabati 

45. estivate (to pass the summer in a dormant state) – hon. Syn. túlog, múok, úmok 

46. estrus1 (fertile period) – hámbon 

47. estrus2 (sexual heat, rut) – bigà, hitiw, namiga, ulag, uwag 

48. esurient (hungry)- kutús, gutom, gúslà. Syn. buntas 

49. ethic; ethics (moral philosophy) – tandiák, etikó (Sp.) 

50. ethical (righteous) – tandiakón. Syn. ligdong, delikadisa (Sp.) 

51. ethnic (distinctive culture) – nukanók, etnikó (Sp.). Syn. lumád, timindok 

52. ethnic cleansing (killing of an ethnic group) – hibíhib sa nukanók 

53. ethnocentrism (belief that one’s ethnic group is superior) – makinukanók 

54. etiolate (turn white or yellowish) – madäg, malúspad 

55. eugenics (improving man’s quality) – panliwat 

56. eunuch (castrated man) – bingil, hinibút-an. Syn. baúgo, kinápnan 

57. euphoria (ecstacy) – harúpay. Syn. himayà, himungáyà 

58. euthanasia (mercy killing) – tiwasan 

59. evil eye (glance capable of inflicting injury) – dáay 

60. evil spiritbanbán, dili ingón náto, daotang espiritú (Sp.), mangawók, tama 

61. exacerbate (increase) — samót, dahan 

62. examine (diagnose) – hiling 

63. excise (remove by cutting) – abis, hilhil, hiwa 

64. excoriate (peel off the skin) — hilap. Syn. pánit, húp-ak, úpak 

65. excrement (human) – tá-i. Syn. igit, tuból 

66. excrescence (unatural growth) – tubô-tubo, siwil 

67. excrete (discharge) – búlwà 

68. excruciate (rack with pain) – hilap 

69. excruciating (causing intense pain) – mahilapon 

70. excruciating pain ngúlngol. Syn. ngútngot 

71. exercise1 (for sweating) – pasingot 

72. exercise2 (physical) – bágot, úgnat, paugnat sa kusóg 

73. exhale1 (breath) – ginhawa 

74. exhale2 (emit gases) – bugá, búgwak, túpla 

75. exhale3 (give off aroma) – alimyo 

76. exhaust (tire) – kápoy, lapiyo. Syn. akód, hawós, kápoy, sáyot 

77. exhausted1 (a fruitless effort) – hágó, bálaw 

78. exhausted2 (due to striving) – úgtas 

79. exhausted3 (from over exertion) – aginsod, agisód 

80. exophoria (temporary cockeyed) – suliraw 

81. exotropia (permanently cockeyed) – manókon

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