ni: Jes B. Tirol
Panglot nga Dakô 5, 2021
Mga Lugpong sa Sakit, Apán ug Balatian
(Terms for Diseases, Defects and Pains)
Ika-9 Bahin/ Part 9
Atong padayónon pagtála ang mga lugpong sa Binisaya alang sa mga sakit, apán, ug balatían nga nagsugod sa Ininglis nga “expire” hangtod sa “gay“.
Mga Lugpong
1. expire (die) – patay, namatay, búgtò, bugtóan sa kinabuhi
2. exposed1 (as exposed oneself to the heat) – painit. Syn. búwad, ganggang, táp-an, pasilang
3. exposed2 (as exposed oneself to the rain) – paulan, pasingulán
4. expose to the elements – lasúgas. Syn. tún-as, buyang-ang, ayap, bulád, dungás
5. extirpate (exterminate) – liwà, púdlong, púo. Syn. upáw
6. extract blood (bloodlet, cupping) – pákgot, págkot. Syn. padúgó
7. exude1 (as bad odor) – báng-og. Syn. angsod
8. exude2 (ooze through pores) – úrsa (Sp.)
9. exude odor (reek) – manimáhò, mangalisbo. Syn. húgom
10. eye (of a boil or abscess) – buti-buti, matá, matá sa hubág
11. eyebag (sagging of lower eyelid) – alubáob
12. eyebrow enhancement (modify the eyebrow for beauty) – húlok
13. eye, foreign object in– puling
14. eyelid1 –alubáw, tabuntábon. Syn. alubáob
15. eyelid2 (drooping eyelid, ptosis) – hiloy, hiyóng, luroy
16. eyelid margin (underside of the eyelid) –kulátkulát
17. eyesore – sámbol sa mata
18. eyewash (collyrium, material for washing the eye) – hugás sa mata
19. face–shield (a covering over the face for protection) – lingód-nawong
20. fag (exhaust by hard work) – kápoy, lapoy
21. fagged out (tired) – akód, giakód, naluya, gikapóy
22. fainthearted (cowardly) – hadlokán, tawanán, táslak, taslakán
23. fainting–fit (due to holding one’s breath) – kutang, kuyapán. Syn.duáy-ay, luóm
24. fair complexion (fair skin) – hún-ag. Syn. putiónon
25. fair skin (fair complexion) – pution og pamánit, hún-ag
26. falling sickness (epilepsy) – pátol
27. false hair (wig) – pulikáy. Syn. tagalábong, tagabóng
28. false teeth (dentures) – banta, marpil (Sp.), pustiso (Sp.)
29. family plannning (birth control) – baúgo
30. farsighted (hyperopia; hypermetropia) – layhirów, anduláw. Ant. duhiráw, salangáw
31. fastidious (choosy in foods) – timi. Syn. hayát, himi, himilián
32. fatigue1 (exhausted) – akód, kahapô, daghil, hawós, lapiyo, sáyot. Syn. kápoy, hawóy, lapoy
33. fatigue2 (weary) – pagál, úgtos
34. faze (disconcert) – Iubá
35. feeble (due to old age) – gúong
36. feeble minded – balulóg, balulong
37. fertile period (as sexual cycle) – hámbon
38. fistula (duct of improperly closed wound) – tilitól, túyob
39. flatulence1 – bútod sa tiyán, garáng
40. flatulence2 (uneasiness due to) – gusâ
41. flatus (intestinal gas) – bútod, garang
42. flesh wound (shallow cut) – amát, balingis, kuláb-it, pangós. Syn. pangós, samad
43. folicalitis (kind of disease ) – matágtiki
44. food poisoning – lánag. Syn. hilo
45. foot–and–mouth disease (a contagious disease of cattle)-kamálo
46. footsore (pain due to tired feet) – gutók, úl-ol sa tiil. Syn. húpong
47. force open the mouth – tingal. Syn. bangánga
48. fowl cholera (kind of fowl disease) – Stay
49. fowl pox – buti sa manók
50. fractured bone – bali nga bukóg, piáng
51. freak (mutant; unusually bigger or taller than his siblings) – hamudyaw. Syn. labás
52. freckle1 (spot on skin) – talúmtom, tawúmtom
53. freckle2 (whitish spots) – bulók. Syn. pugis
54. freckled – agutingón, gitalúmtom, gitawúmtom
55. fret (restless) – hiwasa, husá, langás. Syn. ibil, alingása, gusâ, húlas
56. froze in fright – kútman
57. fungus – alamảng. Syn. agutiót, agúp-op, búklid, búkni, dalunggag-amo, layát
58. furuncle (skin boil) – bulás-ot, bulúsot, páslot. Syn. bútoy, hubág
59. gaga (crazy about) – húngog, nahúngog
60. gallstone (bilestone) – bato sa úpdo
61. gamete (either ovum or sperm that unites) – hungayán
62. gash (wide wound) – bábha, gálhab
63. gas pain (colic) – panuhót
64. gasp for breath (about to die) – tinga
65. gasping – punga-pungá, púsngà-púsngà
66. gastralgia (flatulence) – butód, sándak
67. gastrectomy (remove a portion of the stomach) – pagdísdis sa túngol
68. gastric ulcer – núka sa tungol
69. gastritis (inflammation at the stomach) – hubág sa tungol
70. gastroenteritis (disease in intestine) – púgsit, kalibángà
71. gastrolith (stony mass in the stomach) – bato sa tungol
72. gastrotomy (operation) – pagdisdis sa tiyan
73. gauche (clumsy, awkward) – dupáw-og, hunô, dánghag, kumaw
74. gaunt (abnormally thin) – haga
75. gavage1 (feeding by forcing the food through the mouth) – duom. Syn. hakmal
76. gavage2 (force feeding by forcing the mouth open) – tingal. Syn. duom, pákal
77. gay1 (homosexual) – bảyot
78. gay2 (licentious) – higal