Anorexia refers to refusal to eat or the fussiness about food.
Our textbook of Pediatrics mentioned that before assuring the mother that this is something normal, organic causes such as tuberculosis or other chronic infections must be ruled out. And if after thorough history taking and physical examination are done and no organic cause is discovered, the following should be considered:
- The child has a relatively slower weight gain between one and five years of age. His need for food is less and some over anxious parent may misinterpret this as loss of appetite
- Anorexia may be the child’s way to get the attention of the parents or the caregiver when he feels being neglected
- Parent rejection, tensions between parents, parent- child conflicts or sibling jealousy may also result to anorexia
- Faulty feeding habits especially eating in between meals and giving high sugar content drinks and candies, may affect the appetite of the child
- Parents’ and caregivers’ lack of knowledge on proper nutrition
- Giving of foods that are not properly prepared and served and do not appear stimulating to the eyes of the child
So, how do experts advice us on the management of anorexia?
Please read the following:
· Bring the child for check up to identify the presence of any organic cause and getting proper management
· Giving of vitamin supplementation like iron, vit B complex, Zinc
· Good emotional hygiene should be established with professional help, if necessary
· Parents’ and caregivers’ attention to the problem, understanding the problem and giving utmost care to correct the problem