Bohol Tribune


ni: Jes B. Tirol

Ulalong 19, 2021

Mga Lugpong sa Sakit, Apán ug Balatían

(Terms for Diseases, Defects and Pains)

Ika-11 Bahin/ Part 11


Atong padayonon pagtála ang mga lugpong sa Binisaya alang sa mga sakit, apán, ugbalatian nga nagsugod sa Ininglis nga “hepatitis” hangtod sa “impunity“.

Mga Lugpong

1. hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) – awasan og ápdo. Syn. Bilas

2. hermaphrodite (dual sex) – sibínsibinán, sipingán. Syn. duháy kiye

3. hermaphroditicmasibinsibinon

4. hermaphroditic organsiping, sibinsibin

5. hermeralopia (day blindness) – butásaadláwan. Ant. butasagabii (nyctalopica; nightblindness)

6. hernia1danlák, dalwák, daluák

7. hernia2 (strangulated hernia) – tampayák

8. herpes (kind of skin disease) – kaskáro, kaskádo. Syn. Ugáhap

9. herpes labialis (cold sore) tagmaya, kayuáng

10. herpes simplex (herpes zoster) – ugáhip

11. herpetic (affected by herpes) – ugahipón, tagmayahón, kayuángon

12. heterosexuality (sexually attracted to persons of the opposite sex) – kaibog sa túgbangnga kiye. Ant. báyot, kurang

13. heterotopia (presence of tissue in parts of a body where it’s not normally found)-kanbuså

14. hiccup (an involuntary cough)-sid-ok, súd-ok, siklò

15. hidebound1 (having the skin tightly adhering) – hugót og pánit

16. hidebound2 (narrow-minded) – guyó

17. hide one’s feeling – luom

18. hideous (grotesque) – láksot, ngil-ad, maot

19. hidrosis (excessive sweating) – singtanon

20. high blood pressure alta presyon (Sp.), taas ang dugô

21. high on drugs (effect of using drugs) – alingáya

22. highstrung (nervous, excitable) – kabuhion, kulbaánon, kuyápan, nerbiyoso (Sp.). Syn.kulhánon, hadlokán, tarantado (Sp.)

23. hippetyhop (a jerky gait or motion) – pijúdpijód, piyúdpiyod

24. hirple (to walk lamely; hobble) – sangkiig. Syn. takiáng, pijúdpijód, piyúdpiyód

25. hirsel (intermittent motion) – dálhap. Syn. aginod, pijúdpijód, piyúdpiyód, sagúntò. Ant.tuhóy, turátoy, sutóy

26. hit (the wound or mark caused by a hit) – inig-an

27. hoary (wizen) – gúngis, nanggungis

28. hobble (limp) – sangking, ipák. Syn. Taking

29. hobgoblin (an imaginary cause of terror or dread) – tírong. Syn. Mangáwk

30. hold one’s breath1 (faint from holding one’s breath) – kutang

31. hold one’s breathe2 (not breathe) – utong, úpok, útnga

32. hold one’s feeling1 (faint from holding one’s feeling) – kutáng, utás

33. hold one’s feeling2 (keep one’s feelings) – luóm

34. homeopathy (system of therapy using medicines that produce the symptoms of the diseasetreated) – pakati nga panámbal

35. homesick (ill through longing for home)- gimingáw. Syn. Gihidlaw

36. homesicknessmingaw, kamingaw. Syn. Kahidlaw

37. homicidal (murderous) – adúnay kinaiya pagkamamumúnò, pagkamamumúnò

38. homicide (kill a person by another) – bunô, pagpatay sa tawo, homisidyo (Sp.)

39. homoerotism (sexual desire for same sex) – kinuráng

40. homosexual1 (bisexual) – sipingan

41. homosexual2 (female; lesbian) – ibáy

42. homosexual3 (male; gay) – báyot. Syn. Kurang

43. homosexualitykabáyot, pagkabáyot, kakuráng, pagkakurang

44. homunculus (midget; small man) – turútoy

45. hookworm (intestinal worm) – bítok. Syn. Kigwa

46. hornyhanded (with calloused hands) – kubálan, kubálon, kubálon og kamót

47. hotheaded (quick tempered person) – init ogúlo

48. human or animal sacrifice (that which is killed and offered to a deity) – batóg. Syn.bulánaw, hálad, tahaw

49. humpback (bulging muscle near the nape) – tampuhóng

50. hunchback (deformed back; gibbous) – buktót. Syn. Tampuhóng

51. hunger-faintingduuydúoy

52. hunger-illness (ill due to lack of food) – búntas, kuráw, pásmo (Sp.)

53. hunger-painkutoy, haláb

54. hunger-strike (self-imposed fast) – balátà

55. hungry1 (esurient) – kutás, gutom

56. hungry2 (in need of food) – gútom, gigutóm

57. hurt1 (pain) – sakit

58. hurt2 (wound) – sámad. Syn. Pángos

59. hyperopia (hypermetropia; farsighted) – anduláw, layhiraw. Ant. duhiráw, salangaw

60. hypochondria (persistent anxiety about one’s health) – kabaláka sa panglawas

61. hypochondriac (pertaining to hypochondria) – mabalák-on sa panglawas

62. hysteria1 (emotional excitement with shouting) – kulísiw

63. hysteria2 (emotional paroxysm) – lisang

64. identical twin (twins that look alike) – kalúhang managsama, kalúha nga sáma og dagway

65. idiotsavantyamágyamág

66. ill1 (not good) – daután

67. ill2 (sick) – masakitón, nasakit, adunay gibáti

68. illegitimate child (natural child) – anák sa gawás, pinaángkan, bastardo (Sp.). Syn. turókbánwa, anák sa liki sa kawayan

69. illness (sickness) – sakit, balatian, daotán og gibati

70. ill-tempered (surly) – putong

71. ill will (hostile feeling) – kaligútgot, kasilag, yugót, kayugót

72. imbecileamáw

73. immolate1 (holocaust) – balanúsan, búob, hálad

74. immolate2 (kill as sacrificial victim) – bakalág, batóg. Syn. bulánaw, hálad, tảhaw

75. immoral (lewd) – hilas, law-ay, lúmang, maka-uúlaw

76. immune (from effect) – dili táblan

77. immunize (make immune) – gipakúblan

78. imp (uruly child) – balaslúkon, badlongon

79. impalpable (not perceived by sense of touch) – dílì maila sa hikap

80. impassible (unfeeling) – dili mobáti

81. impenitent (obdurate) – tíg-a, tig-a og kasingkásing

82. imperturbable (calm but persistent) – úgol, tigól. Syn. Tapát

83. impotent (could not produce offspring) – bungalós, umál. Syn. Baóg

84. impotence (erectile disfunction) – kúlò85. impunity (careless abandon) – paságad, turápak

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